How Much Does 16 oz of Water Weigh in Pounds?

Answer: 16 ounces (oz) of water weighs approximately 1 pound (lb).

To convert ounces to pounds, you need to divide the number of ounces by the number of ounces in a pound. There are 16 ounces in a pound.

Therefore, to find the weight of 16 ounces of water in pounds, you can use the following calculation:

Weight in pounds= Weight in ounces ÷ Ounces per pound ​= 16 oz​ ÷16 oz/lb = 1 lb

So, 16 ounces of water weigh 1 pound.

This conversion is useful in various contexts, especially in cooking and measuring liquids in the United States, where both ounces and pounds are commonly used units of measurement. Knowing that 16 ounces of water equals 1 pound can help when following recipes or calculating the weight of ingredients in pounds when given in ounces.