How much does YouTube pay?

Answer: YouTube’s payment to content creators is influenced by various factors, and the earnings can vary significantly.

YouTube primarily uses the Partner Program to compensate eligible content creators for their videos through ad revenue sharing. Creators must meet certain criteria, such as having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months, to qualify for monetization.

The actual payment is determined by factors like the number of views, engagement, the demographic of the audience, and the type of ads displayed. On average, creators earn a certain amount per thousand ad views, known as CPM (Cost Per Mille). CPM rates can range widely, from a few cents to several dollars, depending on these factors.


While there isn’t a fixed rate, some estimates suggest that creators might earn anywhere from $0.25 to $4.00 per thousand views. Therefore, a video with 100,000 views could potentially earn a creator between $25 and $400, though this is a rough estimate. Creators can also earn money through other revenue streams on YouTube, such as channel memberships, Super Chat during live streams, and merchandise sales.