How the User-Defined Function differs from Built-in Function in PHP ?

In PHP, functions are blocks of reusable code that perform specific tasks. They enhance code readability, modularity, and maintainability by encapsulating logic into named units. PHP functions can be categorized into two main types: user-defined functions and built-in functions.

User-Defined Functions

User-defined functions are functions created by developers to perform custom tasks specific to their application’s requirements. These functions are defined using the function keyword followed by a function name, parameters (optional), and a block of code encapsulated within curly braces.


function functionName($param1, $param2, ...) {
// Function body
// Perform specific tasks here
return $result; // Optional

Example: Illustration of User-defined Function


// User-defined function to calculate the square of a number
function square($num)
    return $num * $num;
// Calling the function
$result = square(5); // Output: 25



Built-In Functions

Built-in functions, also known as native functions, are predefined functions provided by the PHP language itself. Built-in functions cover a wide range of functionalities, including string manipulation, array operations, file handling, mathematical calculations, and more.

Example: Illustration of Built-In Function


// Using built-in functions
$string = "Hello, World!";
$length = strlen($string); // Get the length of the string
$uppercase = strtoupper($string); // Convert the string to uppercase
$substring = substr($string, 0, 5); // Get a substring from the string
echo " ";
echo " ";


13 HELLO, WORLD! Hello

Difference between User-Defined and Built-In Functions

User-Defined Functions Built-In Functions
Created by developers to perform custom tasks Predefined functions provided by the PHP language
Defined using the function keyword followed by a name and code block Available for use without the need for explicit definition
Can accept parameters and return values Cover a wide range of functionalities including string manipulation, array operations, file handling, etc.