How to add a ButtonGroup in MATLAB ?

ButtonGroup allows users to manage toggle buttons and radio buttons in the figure. ButtonGroup object can be created using uibuttongroup() method.

Different syntaxes of uibuttongroup() are

  • bg = uibuttongroup()
  • bg = uibuttongroup(Name,Value)
  • bg = uibuttongroup(parent,Name,Value)

Now, let us discuss the above syntaxes in detail:

Using uibuttongroup()

  • It creates a button group in the current figure and returns the buttonGroup object.
  • In the following example, radio buttons are inserted in the button group.


% Creating a ButtonGroup object
bg = uibuttongroup();
% Create three radio buttons in the 
% button group
r1 = uicontrol(bg,'Style',...
                  'Position',[120 350 200 50]);
r2 = uicontrol(bg,'Style','radiobutton',...
                  'Position',[120 250 200 50]);
r3 = uicontrol(bg,'Style','radiobutton',...
                  'Position',[120 150 200 50]);

Output :

Using uibuttongroup(Name, Value)

  • It allows specifying the properties of ButtonGroup by mentioning the Name-Value pair arguments.
  • Some properties are ‘Visible’, ‘Position’, ForegroundColor, etc.


% Create a buttonGroup object
bg = uibuttongroup('Visible','on',...
                    "Title","India States",...
                  'Position',[0 0 .5 1]);
% Create three radio buttons in the button group
r1 = uicontrol(bg,'Style',...
                  'String','Andhra Pradesh',...
                  'Position',[50 350 100 30]);
r2 = uicontrol(bg,'Style','radiobutton',...
                  'Position',[50 250 100 30]);
r3 = uicontrol(bg,'Style','radiobutton',...
                  'Position',[50 150 100 30]);
% Make the uibuttongroup visible after creating child objects. 
bg.Visible = 'on';

Output :

Using uibuttongroup(parent, Name, Value)

  • It creates buttonGroup object with specified properties in the parent container.
  • The following example displays the button group containing in a figure.


% Parent container
fig = uifigure;
% Inserting buttonGroup into parent container
bg = uibuttongroup(fig,'Position',[20 20 200 200]);
% Adding Toggle buttons in the button group
tb1 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 165 140 22],'Text','1');
tb2 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 140 140 22],'Text','2');
tb3 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 115 140 22],'Text','3');
tb4 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 90 140 22],'Text','4');
tb5 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 65 140 22],'Text','5');
tb6 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 40 140 22],'Text','6');

Output :