How to add Announcement Banner in New Google Sites ?

Sometimes you have to make some announcement regarding a piece of news or a product launch, etc. This can be achieved in the New Google Site platform. You can set some announcement and also decide where it should be displayed i.e. on all pages or only on the home page.

First, go to site settings.

Then, go to the Announcement Banner option in the setting.

Attributes of the Announcement Banner:

  1. Show Banner: This button decides the visibility of the banner on your site. If the button is selected then your banner will be displayed on your site else it will not. Thus, it means you can remove and add the banner as per your pleasure.
  2. Banner Color: This field will set the background color of the banner. The amazing fact is the font color that will automatically be decided on the background color chosen. The best color combination is chosen for you.
  3. Announcement: This field contains three subdivisions i.e. Message, Button Label and Link. The message field is used to display the announcement message. If the announcement had to contain any button the button label field is filled. To add the link to the button link field is filled. If you want to open the field in a new window then just check the checkbox named Open in a new window.
  4. Visibility: This field is to set the display position of the announcement banner i.e. whether it should be displayed on all the pages or only on the home page.

After successfully filling the information about the banner it might look like the one displayed below:

The banner is displayed on the top of the page.