How to add Axis labels using networkD3 in R

networkD3 is an R package used for creating a D3 (Data-Driven Documents) Network Graph. netwrorkD3 is constructed using the htmlwidget package. As the name said network, this graph can be constructed in the shape of a node and edge data frame. then it will perform a physics simulation to decide the most advantageous diagram in three dimensions. It is used to create a D3 Javascript network, tree, dendrogram, Sankey graph, etc.

In the R package, there are already many visualization libraries present. For example ggplot, Plotly, igraph, etc. But not all libraries are used to create network-type graphs and it is also not in 3D plots. That is the main objective behind why it is made.

Syntax: sankeyNetwork( Links, Nodes, Source, Target, Value, NodeID, NodeGroup = NodeID,                   LinkGroup = NULL, units = “”, colourScale = NULL, fontSize = 7, fontFamily = NULL, nodeWidth = 15, nodePadding = 10, margin = NULL, height = NULL, width = NULL, iterations = 32, sinksRight = TRUE )


  • Links: dataframe represent link between source and target (node).
  • Nodes: dataframe contain node properties
  • Source: character string of source node
  • Target: character string of target node
  • Value: character string of distance value between nodes
  • NodeID: node name
  • NodeGroup: character string of the nodeIDs in nodes
  • LinkGroup: character string for link between groups
  • Units: character string to specify physical unit(value)
  • colourscale: specify color scale
  • nodeWidth: width of node
  • nodePadding: padding between node
  • sinksRight: Boolean. If it is True, last node moves to right border of graph

Creating a simple sankeyNetwork graph with Title, Subtitle, and Labels

Step: 1 Import the necessary library in Rstudio.



Step: 2 Create network data in a source-target data frame format.

  • Here, we are linking A->D, B->E, and C->F nodes and assigning 3 values on each link. final table will look like myDataframe table image.
  • The node table is containing every node entry uniquely.
  • IDsource and IDtarget is a string character form of the source and the target node.
  • match function will match take two-column and create a matching table from 1. But we are subtracting by ‘-1’ so that it can start with 0th character like for A node it is 0, B node it is 1 and so on.


# Create values
Source_Node <- c("A","B","C","A","B",
Target_category <- c("D","E","F","D",
Frequency <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
myDataframe <- data.frame(Source_Node,
# Node table
nodes <- data.frame(name=c(as.character(myDataframe$Source_Node),
                    %>% unique())
# IDsource and IDtarget string character format



Step: 3 Create a simple Sankey network chart.

As per the above sankeyNetwork syntax, we are assigning some parameters to generate our output.


graph1 <- sankeyNetwork(Links = myDataframe, 
                        Nodes = nodes,
                   Source = "IDsource",
                        Target = "IDtarget",
                   Value = "Frequency",
                        NodeID = "name"
# view graph


SankeyNetwork Graph

Step: 4 Add Title and Subtitle in graph1.

  • To assign a title, we can use the prependContent function from the htmlwidgets tool. 
  • Create two h1 and h2 tags with text description and style.
  • prepend these tags in our above graph1 by putting all these tags together in the prependContent function.


graph2 <- htmlwidgets::prependContent(graph1,
                                        "w3wiki Title",
color:#007500; "),
                                        "w3wiki Subtitle",
# view graph


SankeyNetwork graph with title and subtitle

Step: 5 Add left and right labels in networkGraph.

  • create left-tag as leftTx and right-tag as rightTx.
  • Now, to combine leftTx, rightTx and graph2, use combineWidget from manipulatewidget library.
  • combineWidget take, graph, title, left-column, right-column, and row-number as parameters and combine all these instances into one.

Syntax: combineWidgets( list = NULL, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, title = NULL, rowsize = 1, colsize = 1, byrow = TRUE, titleCSS = “”, header = NULL, footer = NULL, leftCol = NULL, rightCol = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL )


# create left-right label
leftTx = tags$div(
         style="max-width: 30vw; height: 100%;
                 display: flex; align-items: center;
                 justify-content: center;",
         tags$p("This is left side label"))
rightTx = tags$p("This is right side label",
# final output with label. combineWidget
# can be use by manipulateWidget.
graph3 <- combineWidgets(graph2,
                      title = tags$h1("With left-right label",
                      leftCol = leftTx,
                      rightCol = rightTx,
                      nrow = 1)
# view graph


Output with left & right label