How to Add .env File in Flutter?

Environment variables are used to store sensitive data such as passwords, API credentials, and other information that should not be written directly in code. It cannot be uploaded to github, gitlab, and many others. It can be done in different ways in different programming languages. But now we will learn to add a .env file in flutter and access its variable. So we can use the package flutter_dotenv.

Step By Step Implementation

Step 1: Import Package to pubspec.yaml file

Run command in terminal:

flutter pub add flutter_dotenv


Add manually in dependencies:

  flutter_dotenv: ^5.0.2



If you using Visual Studio Code you can use these command 

For Windows - ctrl+shift+P
For macOS - command+shift+P

after that select add dart dependency and type flutter_dotenv // you can type any other package with these


Step 2: Create a .env File in the Project Folder either on lib or asset


Step 3: Add these File Paths to the pubspec.yaml file

  lib/.env # path to your .env



Step 4:  Load/Initialize the dotenv file in the Main Function 

await dotenv.load(fileName: ".env"  //path to your .env file);

Don’t forget to make the main function as future and add async to it.



Step 5: Add Variable to .env file

// Syntax
VAR_NAME = "variable value"

// Example

// you can use # in .env file for comments
# This is a comment


Step 6: Get the .env file Variable 

import 'package:flutter_dotenv/flutter_dotenv.dart';
dotenv.env['VAR_NAME']; // This is to access variable name from .env file