How to Add Featured Image in WordPress

Featured images enhance the visual appeal of your blog posts and make them more engaging. They also play a crucial role in SEO and social media visibility. Feature images are the primary images of your post and appear just after the main heading of your post and make your post more attractive and user-friendly.

It makes your post more engaging and displayed by the search engine and in social media news feeds.

In this article, we will see how to add a feature image or thumbnail to WordPress website posts. In WordPress feature images are also known as the thumbnail of the post, it is supported by most of the themes in WordPress.

Let us see how to add the feature image to the WordPress website posts.

How to Add Featured Image to WordPress Post

Steps 1: Log in to Your WordPress Dashboard:

  • First, log in to your WordPress dashboard using your credentials.


Step 2: After login into your WordPress dashboard, it will look like the following.


2. Edit or Create a New Post:

Navigate to the “Posts” section and either edit an existing post or create a new one.

Step 3: Hover over the “Posts” and then click on the “All Posts” section.


Step 4: Choose the post in which you want to add the feature image to your post and then click on the “edit” link.


Step 5: On the right side of your post there is the “Post” block, scroll down you will see the feature image option.


3. Upload or Select an Image:

  • You can upload an image from your computer or choose an existing image from your media library.
  • Click the “Set Featured Image” button to confirm your selection.

Step 6: Now click on the feature image link and then set the feature image using the media library or you can upload it from your computer.


After choosing the image, click on the “Set featured image” and now your featured image is ready on your post.

Step 7:  After setting the feature image click on the “Update” button to successfully save the feature image and update it.


The featured image is ready for your post.

In this way, you can set the feature image in your post.