How to add Shadows to Elements in Tailwind CSS ?

Adding shadows to elements in Tailwind CSS is done using utility classes like shadow-sm, shadow-md, and shadow-lg to apply different levels of box shadows. Additionally, you can use the hover:shadow-[size] class for a hover effect with shadows.



<div class="shadow-* ">
This element has a medium box shadow.

Here, the Star mark(*) represent the different ranges of sizes, whichare small(sm), medium(md), large(lg), and extra large(2xl).

Below table illustrates the classes alongside their corresponding descriptions.

Class Description
shadow-* Adds a box shadow to the element. Replace * with sm (small), md (medium), lg (large), or customize the shadow in the configuration file.
hover:shadow-* Applies a box shadow on hover, providing an interactive effect. Replace * as mentioned above to customize the hover box shadow.

Key Features

  • Shadow Levels: Tailwind provides different shadow levels (sm, md, lg) for quick and consistent styling.
  • Customization: Customize box shadows by adjusting the configuration file to match project-specific design requirements.
  • Hover Effect: Use hover:shadow-[size] for adding shadows specifically on hover, enhancing user interactivity.
  • Responsive Design: Utilize responsive variants (sm:, md:, lg:, xl:) for adapting shadow styles based on different screen sizes.