How to Add Sitemaps of your Website in Google Search Console?

A sitemap is a file where you can provide information about your website pages, posts, pdfs, documents, images, videos, content, and other files of your website. By creating sitemap or using sitemaps we can relate the connection between the website pages, posts, pdfs, documents, images, videos,…etc. Most importantly sitemap can improve the crawling of complex sites. If you were not using any CMS or If you are using a Custom Web Designing or Custom Developed Website, you should create a Sitemap of your own to submit.  If you’re using CMS Services such as Blogger, WordPress, or any other CMS, you will already get an auto-generated sitemap available to search engines and you don’t have to create one. Now what is Google Search Console and  Why do we need to submit a sitemap in Google Search Console?. So the answer is Google Search Console also known as GSC. It is a google tool that helps you monitor and troubleshoot your site’s presence on Google Search results. Adding sitemaps to Google Search Console will help google search engines to find your most important website page, posts, images, videos, pdfs, and it will crawl and index your website content for a better ranking and visibility health. In this article, you will learn about submitting various website sitemap URLs such sitemap.xml, atom.xml, rss.xml in Google Search Console Sitemap.

Submitting Sitemaps in Google Search Console

Follow the following steps to submit various sitemaps of your website in Google Search Console:

Step 1: Login to Google Search Console Portal.

Step 2: If your website is not submitted in Google Search Console do check out How to Submit Your Website to Google Search Console? article.

Step 3: Once you finish Step 2, now, select your Website Property and navigate to Index >> Sitemaps.

Step 4: Submit your Website XML Sitemap >> Add a new sitemap and Submit



For example, we have added a new sitemap of the following website:

Once your sitemap you get the following pop-up result.

Step 5: In a similar way you also submit atom XML sitemap and RSS XML sitemap




Submit RSS XML Sitemap:




Once you submit all your sitemaps then the submissions look like the following. 

So this is how we can add sitemaps in Google Search Console.