How to add_trace to a plotly object created from ggplotly in R

The concept of adding traces to a plotly object in R is based on the idea of layering data to create a more complex and informative plot. A trace in plotly is a layer of data that is plotted on a graph. Each trace has its own set of data and visual properties, such as the type of plot, the color and size of markers, and the style of lines.

To add a trace to a plotly object, you can use the add_trace function. This function takes as input the plotly object to which you want to add the trace, as well as the data and visual properties of the trace. You can specify the data for the trace using the x and y arguments, and you can specify the type of plot using the type argument. For example, you can use type = “scatter” to create a scatter plot, or type = “bar” to create a bar chart.


plotly_obj <- add_trace(plotly_obj, x = mtcars$wt, y = mtcars$qsec, 
                       type = “scatter”, mode = “markers”, name = “qsec”, 
                       color = “red”, marker = list(size = 10), legendgroup = “Group 1”)


  • p: a plotly object to which the trace should be added.
  • x: a numeric vector or time series containing the x-coordinates of the data points.
  • y: a numeric vector containing the y-coordinates of the data points.
  • type: a string specifying the type of trace to add. Possible values include “scatter”, “bar”, “histogram”, “box”, “pie”, and many others.
  • mode: a string specifying the display mode for the trace. For example, “lines” will connect the data points with lines, while “markers” will show individual data points as markers.
  • name: a string giving a name to the trace, which will be displayed in the legend.
  • color: a string or numeric vector specifying the color(s) to use for the trace.
  • marker: a list of options for customizing the appearance of the markers in the trace.
  • line: a list of options for customizing the appearance of the lines in the trace.
  • legendgroup: a string specifying a group to which the trace should belong in the legend. Traces with the same legendgroup value will be grouped together in the legend.

You can also customize the appearance of the trace using various arguments of the add_trace function. For example, you can use the marker argument to specify the color and size of markers, or the line argument to specify the style of lines. You can also use the text position argument to specify the position of text labels on the plot.

By adding multiple traces to a plotly object, you can create more complex and informative plots that show multiple sets of data on the same graph. This can be especially useful when you want to compare different data sets or highlight relationships between different variables.

Install the required packages and load them using the library function.


Create a ggplot object using the ggplot function. Specify the data and the x and y aesthetics for the plot. Convert the ggplot object to a plotly object using the ggplotly function. Use the add_trace function to add additional traces to the plotly object. Specify the data for each trace using the x and y arguments, and specify the type of plot using the type argument. Customize the appearance of each trace using any relevant arguments of the add_trace function (e.g., marker, line, text position). Display the plotly object using the plotly_obj command.


# Load the necessary libraries
# Create a ggplot object with two layers
p <- ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x = wt,
                               y = mpg)) +
  geom_point(color = "red") +
  geom_line(aes(y = hp), color = "blue")
# Convert the ggplot object to a plotly object
plotly_obj <- ggplotly(p)
# Add two additional traces to the plotly object
plotly_obj <- add_trace(plotly_obj,
                        x = mtcars$wt,
                        y = mtcars$disp,
                        type = "scatter",
                        mode = "markers",
                        name = "disp")
plotly_obj <- add_trace(plotly_obj,
                        x = mtcars$wt,
                        y = mtcars$qsec,
                        type = "scatter",
                        mode = "markers",
                        name = "qsec")
# Display the plotly object



This code creates a plotly object with a single layer using ggplot, and then adds three additional layers using add_trace. Each of the additional layers uses a different combination of aesthetics and geoms, resulting in a plot with four layers in total.


# Load the necessary libraries
# Create a ggplot object with a single layer
p <- ggplot(data = iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length,
                             y = Sepal.Width)) +
  geom_point(color = "red") +
  geom_line(aes(y = Petal.Length), color = "blue")
# Convert the ggplot object to a plotly object
plotly_obj <- ggplotly(p)
# Add three additional traces to the plotly
# object, using different aesthetics and geoms
plotly_obj <- add_trace(plotly_obj,
                        x = iris$Petal.Length,
                        y = iris$Sepal.Width,
                        type = "scatter",
                        mode = "markers",
                        name = "Petal.Length",
                        color = "blue")
plotly_obj <- add_trace(plotly_obj,
                        x = iris$Sepal.Length,
                        y = iris$Petal.Width,
                        type = "scatter",
                        mode = "markers",
                        name = "Petal.Width"
                        color = "green")
plotly_obj <- add_trace(plotly_obj,
                        x = iris$Sepal.Length, 
                        y = iris$Petal.Length, 
                        type = "scatter"
                        mode = "markers"
                        name = "Petal.Length"
                        color = "orange")
# Display the plotly object
