How to Block ChatGPT Web Crawler From Using Your Website Content ?

Nowadays website owners are facing a lot of issues with OpenAI ChatGPT Web Crawler. If you won’t block the OpenAI ChatGPT, GPTbots get access to website content to learn from it by crawling the internet. By crawling the websites, it extracts data and uses that data to train its language model, which allows GPTbot to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer user-based questions in an informative way. This is a kind of disadvantage for the websites and other organizations. This affects original content and loss of traffic and revenue.

If you wish to block your content from becoming AI training data, you should update your website or blog robots.txt.

Generally, all website owners use robots.txt. It is a basic text file that tells web crawlers which pages or directories on your website they are allowed to access and not allowed to access by using a set of instructions.

To block ChatGPT Web Crawler from using your website content, you can add the following two lines to your robots.txt file. This informs the ChatGPT bot crawler that it is not allowed to access any of the pages or posts on your website.

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

As a note, OpenAI has stated that blocking ChatGPT Chatbot from accessing your website content will not prevent it from using content that has already been crawled and indexed by other search engines. However, it will prevent ChatGPT from using any new content that you publish on your website.

How to Block ChatGPT Web Crawler on Blogger?

Step 1: First of open your Blogger Website and navigate to settings

Step 2: Scroll and search for robots.txt and add the following lines of code at the top >> click on save to update saved changes.

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

How to Block ChatGPT Web Crawler on WordPress?

Step 1: Login to your WordPress Dashboard and access the robots.txt editor

Step 2: Add the following lines of code at the top and save the changes.

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

Conclusion: In this article, you have learned about the importance of blocking ChatGPT Web Crawler from using your website content and steps to perform the action either on Google Blogger or WordPress.