How to Calculate AIC in R?

It is important in the analysis of the given data as it offers a means of comparing more than one model and identifying the right one to use for further prediction and inference. in this article, we will discuss what AIC is and how to Calculate AIC in the R Programming Language.

What is the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)?

The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is a well-known common statistical criterion for model selection. The AIC is provided by the Japanese statistician. AIC finds a trade-off between the model’s simplicity and its goodness of fit. AIC principle states that the model complexity should be penalized to avoid overfitting which happens due to the noise in the data rather than the underlying pattern.

Why is AIC Important?

This criterion is important for the elimination of overfitting since it introduces a penalty equal to the number of model parameters used. It helps avoid situations when the chosen model happens to be more simple than required, which is also known as the underfitting issue as well as when the model is too complex, which is called overfitting.

Different Methods to Calculate AIC

R includes a class of functions and methods to Calculate AIC.

  1. Traditional AIC Calculation
  2. Automated AIC Calculation with Packages

Traditional AIC Calculation

In this example we will calculate the Akaike Information Criterion in a Traditional way.

# Assuming we have the maximized log-likelihood and number of parameters
log_likelihood <- 3
num_params <- 2

# Traditional AIC Calculation
AIC_traditional <- 2 * log_likelihood + 2 * num_params

# Print the result
cat("Traditional AIC:", AIC_traditional, "\n")


Traditional AIC: 10 

In this example, we first define the maximized log-likelihood (log_likelihood) and the number of parameters (num_params). Then, we use the traditional AIC formula (AIC_traditional <- -2 * log_likelihood + 2 * num_params) to calculate the AIC value. Finally, we print the result using the cat() function.

Automated AIC Calculation with Packages

Now we will use stats package to calculate AIC in R.

# Load required library (if not already loaded)

# Assuming we have fitted a model named "my_model"
# For demonstration purposes, let's create a simple linear regression model
# using lm() function with some sample data
x <- 1:10
y <- 2*x + rnorm(10)
my_model <- lm(y ~ x)

# Automated AIC Calculation
AIC_automated <- AIC(my_model)

# Print the result
cat("Automated AIC:", AIC_automated, "\n")


Automated AIC: 31.67772

In this example, we first load the stats package, which contains the AIC() function. Then, assuming we have fitted a model named "my_model", we use the AIC() function to automatically calculate the AIC value for the model. Finally, we print the result using the cat() function.

Applications and Use Cases of AIC

  1. Model Selection in Regression Analysis: In regression analysis, the AIC is used in modeling to compare models with different predictor confounding. Using the AIC means you can identify the most suitable model of the available options to fit and explain your results while keeping the process from being over-complicated.
  2. Comparing Nested and Non-Nested Models: This makes AIC particularly useful in cases of both nested and non-nested models, meaning models of the former are special cases of the latter. This flexibility in setting the rules for the goodness of fit means that AIC can be used in comparing different models very conveniently.
  3. Time Series Analysis: AIC can be used to compare one model to another and specifically the auto regressive integrate moving average (ARIMA) models. The efficiency of different models of the category ARIMA can be determined by comparing the values of the AIC criterion to identify the model with the maximum temporal dependency.
  4. Environmental and Ecological Modeling: AIC is applied when there are multiple models that can explain the phenomena observed in ecological or environmental analyses. For example, AIC can be useful for choosing between the best species distribution models or growth models with reference to empirical information.


It is crucial to learn how to calculate and interpret AIC in R for an efficient model selection and building of viable statistical models. This approach allows you to be hands-on in evaluating the various models through trial and error, guiding your analysis and bringing a deeper level of understanding of the data. AIC is an essential and powerful statistical machine in the data scientist’s or statisticians’ hands for model selection in their analyses.