How to Calculate the Time Between 2 Dates in TypeScript ?

In this article, we will calculate the time between two different dates using TypeScript. We will use the getTime() method to get the current time of the specified date.


const variable_name = new Date();
const time = variable_name.getTime();

Note: The getTime() method will return the time in the milliseconds.


  • Create two different dates using the Date object in TypeScript.
  • Now, use the getTime() method on the created dates to get the time in milliseconds.
  • After getting the time, subtract them to get the difference between them.
  • Now, convert the resulting millisecond time into hours and minutes using formulas.

Example 1: The below example will explain the use of the getTime() method to calculate the time between two dates.


// Future Date
const firstDate: Date = new Date('2023-12-21');
// Current Date
const secondDate: Date = new Date();
// Time Difference in Milliseconds
const milliDiff: number = firstDate.getTime()
    - secondDate.getTime();
// Converting time into hh:mm:ss format
// Total number of seconds in the difference
const totalSeconds = Math.floor(milliDiff / 1000);
// Total number of minutes in the difference
const totalMinutes = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 60);
// Total number of hours in the difference
const totalHours = Math.floor(totalMinutes / 60);
// Getting the number of seconds left in one minute
const remSeconds = totalSeconds % 60;
// Getting the number of minutes left in one hour
const remMinutes = totalMinutes % 60;



Example 2: The below example will show you the difference just like countdown using the setInterval() method.


const countDown = () => {
    // Future Date
    const firstDate: Date = new Date('2023-12-21');
    // Current Date
    const secondDate: Date = new Date();
    // Time Difference in Milliseconds
    const milliDiff: number = firstDate.getTime()
        - secondDate.getTime();
    // Converting time into hh:mm:ss format
    // Total number of seconds in the difference
    const totalSeconds = Math.floor(milliDiff / 1000);
    // Total number of minutes in the difference
    const totalMinutes = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 60);
    // Total number of hours in the difference
    const totalHours = Math.floor(totalMinutes / 60);
    // Getting the number of seconds left in one minute
    const remSeconds = totalSeconds % 60;
    // Getting the number of minutes left in one hour
    const remMinutes = totalMinutes % 60;
setInterval(countDown, 1000);
