How to Call a Method on a Class Without Instantiating it in Python?

In Python programming, classes and methods are like building blocks for organizing our code and making it efficient. Usually, we create instances of classes to access their parts—attributes and methods. But sometimes, we might want to use a class or its methods without actually creating an instance. In this article, we’ll dive into four different ways to do just that in Python.

Use Class and Methods without Instantiating It in Python

Below are the possible approaches to using a class and methods without instantiating it in Python.

  • Using Static Method
  • Using Class Method
  • Using Metaclass
  • Using Class Function Outside the Class

Using Static Method

In the below approach code, the MathOperations class utilizes a static method (add) decorated with @staticmethod. This allows the method to be called directly on the class without the need for instantiation. The code demonstrates how to use the add method without creating an object by directly invoking MathOperations.add(2, 3), which returns the sum of the two provided arguments (2 and 3).


class MathOperations:
    def add(x, y):
        return x + y
# Using without creating an object
print(MathOperations.add(2, 3))



Using Class Method

In the below approach code, the MyClass class defines a class method (get_class_variable) using the @classmethod decorator. This method can access and return the class variable class_variable without requiring an instance of the class. The code demonstrates using the class method without creating an object by calling MyClass.get_class_variable(), which outputs “Hello from MyClass” as it retrieves the value of the class variable.


class MyClass:
    class_variable = "Hello from MyClass"
    def get_class_variable(cls):
        return cls.class_variable
# Using without creating an object


Hello from MyClass

Using Metaclass

In the below approach code, it defines a metaclass MyMeta using the type class, and a class MyClass consisting of this metaclass. The metaclass’s __new__ method allows custom behavior during class creation, although in this example, it doesn’t modify the class. Accessing MyClass.class_variable prints “Hello from MyClass” without instantiating the class.


class MyMeta(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        # Add custom behavior here
        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
class MyClass(metaclass=MyMeta):
    class_variable = "Hello from MyClass"
# Using without creating an object


Hello from MyClass

Using Class Function Outside the Class

In the below approach code, it defines a class MyClass with a class method class_method. Outside the class, a separate function class_function is created, which calls MyClass.class_method() to access the class method. When class_function() is invoked, it outputs “Hello from class method” without the need to instantiate an object of MyClass.


class MyClass:
    def class_method(cls):
        return "Hello from class method"
def class_function():
    return MyClass.class_method()
# Using without creating an object


Hello from class method


In conclusion, Python provides us with various methods to use classes and methods without actually instantiating them. By understanding these techniques, we expand our coding toolkit and write cleaner, more efficient code. Whether it’s using static methods, class methods, metaclasses, or functions outside classes, Python gives us flexible solutions for different programming needs.