How to Change Page Color in Google Docs

Google Docs offers a host of features for document creation and editing. While its default white background and black text are perfect for most documents, there are times when you want to add a touch of creativity. Whether it’s for themed projects, eye-catching brochures, or attention-grabbing posters, changing the page color can make a significant difference.

In this article, we’ll show you how to personalize your documents by changing the page color in Google Docs, making your content not only informative but also visually appealing. It’s a simple process that can enhance your documents for a variety of purposes, so let’s give your work a unique and captivating look.

How to Change Page Color in Google Docs

By changing the page color of the document in Google Docs, we can make the document look visually appealing and interesting. There are two ways to change the page colour:

Table of Content

  • How to Change Page Color from Available 80 Colors
  • Choosing Custom Colors from all Colors.

How to Change Page Color from Available 80 Colors

There are totally 80 colors already available to choose in the click of a button in Google Docs. Users can choose any of that color to change the page color in Google Docs.

Step 1: Open Google Docs

Step 2: Open the Google document

Open the Google Document in which the background color of the document has to be changed in Google Docs. Else create a new document in Google Docs, and open it. Here we have opened an already written document.

Document opened in Google Docs

Step 3: Navigate to the File Menu and Select Page Setup

Select ‘File‘ in the menu bar of Google Docs, and a dropdown opens. Select ‘Page Setup‘ in the dropdown.

Select ‘Page setup’ in the dropdown under the File tab

Step 4: Select Page Color from the Dialog Box

A dialog box named “Page Setup” opens now. Select the page color in it. Since by default, the background color of the document is white, the page color is previewing in white color.

‘Page setup’ dialog box opens

Step 5: Choose Color from the 80 Available Colors

Now a sub dropdown appears from the page color option. It has a total of 80 colors already available in it. Users can choose any color from this quickly.

Choose from these 80 colors

Choose the color you want to change your document. Here we are choosing a green color from it.

Selecting green color

Step 6: Click OK

After choosing the page color, the sub dropdown closes automatically and the preview in page color turns to the color you have chosen. Now it is displaying green as we chose the green color. Click the ‘OK‘ button in the bottom right corner of the dialog box.

Click OK

Step 8: Preview the Page Color

Now the background color of the whole document is changed to green color successfully.

The page color changed to green

How to change the background color on Google Docs by Choosing Custom Color

Note: Except the available 80 colors, we can choose other new page colors in Google Docs. We can choose any color from the color pool or by entering Hex color code.

Step 1: Open Google Docs

Step 2: Open the Google Document

Open the document in which the background color of the document has to be changed in Google Docs. Else create a new document in Google Docs, and open it. Here we have opened an already written document.

Document opened

Step 3: Navigate to the File Menu and Select Page Setup

Select ‘File‘ in the menu bar of Google Docs, and a dropdown opens. Select ‘Page Setup‘ in the dropdown.

Click ‘Page setup’

Step 4: Click on Page Color Drop-Down

A dialog box named “Page Setup” opens now. Select the page color in it. Since by default, the background color of the document is white, the page color is previewing in white color.

select ‘Page color’ in this window

Step 5: Click on the Custom Icon

Now a sub dropdown appears from the page color option. It has a total of 80 colors already available in it. To change to any custom color that is not available in these 80 colors, select the plus button at the left bottom of the color palette.

Select the ‘+’ button

Step 6: Choose Color

Now another small dialog window opens. There we can choose any color by selecting in the color pool. If we choose the color from the color pool, the HEX code of the color appears in the ‘Hex‘ box below it.

Note: If we do not want to select from the color pool, and if we already have a fixed HEX color code of our choice, we can enter the HEX code in the Hex box also.

Another dialog window opens to choose a custom color

Step 7: Enter the HEX Color Code

Here we are entering a HEX color code in the HEX box as “FE77A2“. Once we enter the HEX color code in the box, the color of the hex code appears in the color preview. #FE77A2 color code is pink. Therefore, it is previewing pink color.

Entered HEX color code in the Hex box

Step 8: Click OK

Next, click the ‘OK‘ button at the bottom of this dialog window.

Click OK button

Next, click the ‘OK‘ button of the ‘Page setup‘ dialog window.

Click OK button

Step 9: Preview the Page Color

Now the page color of the document in Google Docs is changed to the selected custom color successfully.

Page color changed to selected Hex color code

How to Change Page Color in Google Docs on Android

Step 1: Open the Google Docs app in an Android device and Open the document

Open the Google Docs app on your Android device, and open a document to change its page color. By default, the page color is white.

Document opened

Step 2: Click on the Edit icon at the bottom of the app

Tap the ‘Edit‘ pencil icon at the bottom rightmost corner of the app. A list of options appears on the top side of the app.

click the Edit icon

Step 3: Click on the Three Dotted Icon at the top Rightmost Corner

Select the three-dot icon at the top rightmost corner of the app.

select the three-dotted icon

Step 4: Select Page setup in the panel opened

A panel gets opened from the right side of the app. Select ‘Page setup‘ in it.

select ‘Page setup’

Step 5: Select Page Color

Now a page of options appears. Select ‘Page color‘ in it. Now the default color white is displayed as the page color.

select ‘Page color’

Step 6: Page Color Options will now Appear

A list of available colors and their shades appears. The usual color white is set by default.

page color options appear

Step 7: Select the Page Color by choosing any color and its shade

Choose the color and shade of your choice. Here we are choosing yellow color from the available colors.

choosing yellow color

Then choose the third color shade from the available color shades.

choosing a shade of yellow as the page color

Step 8: Return to the page setup by clicking the back arrow located in the upper-left corner.

After choosing the page color, move back by clicking the back arrow at the top leftmost corner of the app.

Tap the backward arrow to go back

Step 9: Return to the document by clicking the back arrow in the upper-left Corner

Again move back to the document by clicking the back button at the top leftmost corner of the app. The selected yellow color can be seen as selected.

Tap the backward arrow to go back to the document

Step 10: Tap the ‘tick’ symbol

Tap the ‘tick‘ symbol at the top leftmost corner of the app.

Tap the tick symbol

Step 11: Preview the Page Color

Now the page color has been changed to the selected color yellow successfully in an Android device.

Page color changed to yellow

How to Change Page Color in Google Docs on iOS

For iOS users also, it is possible to change the page color using the Google Docs app.

Step 1: Open the Google Docs app on iOS device and Open the document

Open the Google Docs app on your iOS device, and open a document to change its page color. By default, the page color is white.

Document opened in Google Docs app in iOS device

Step 2: Select the Three dots Icon

Select the three-dot icon at the top right corner of the app.

Select three dots icon

Step 3: Select Page setup in the Panel opened

A panel opens from the right side of the app. Select ‘Page setup‘ in it.

select ‘Page setup’

Step 4: Tap Page color in the page setup

Select the ‘Page color‘ in the page setup options

select ‘Page color’

Step 5: Choose any Color and its Shade

Page color settings open up. Choose from any available color and its shade as page color. Here we are choosing the blue color

select color

Then choose the shade of the selected color. Here we are choosing a blue shade from the available 8 shades.

select any shade of your chosen color as the page color

Step 6: Tap the back icon to go back to the page setup settings

Tap the back icon at the top leftmost corner of the app to go back to page setup settings.

select the back icon

Step 7: Tap the ‘X’ icon to close the panel

The selected page color blue is now set as the page color in the options. Tap the ‘X‘ close icon at the top leftmost corner of the app.

Tap the close icon

Step 8: Preview the Page Color

Page color changed to our chosen blue color in the Google Docs app on the iOS device

Page color changed in the document on iOS device


In this article, we have discussed the default page color in Google Docs, and how to change it. There are two ways to change page color in Google Docs. We have discussed how to choose colors from the available 80 colors and also to choose custom page colors.

This helps in making visually appealing, and interesting colors for the background of the document in Google Docs. Also, we have discussed how to change page color in a document using Google Docs app on Android and iOS devices.

How to Change Page Color in Google Docs – FAQs

How can I change the background color in Google Docs?

To change the background color in Google Docs:

  • Go to “File” > “Page setup” > “Page color
  • Select your desired color.

Can you change the default page color in Google Docs?

No, you cannot set a default background color in Google Docs; you must change it manually for each document.

Are there any limitations to the colors you can choose for your Google Docs page background?

Yes, Google Docs limits page color choices to a predefined palette without support for custom color codes.

How to change background color in Google Docs Mobile?

To change background color in Google Docs Mobile:

  • Step 1: Launch the Google Docs mobile app on your device.
  • Step 2: Access the document you wish to modify.
  • Step 3: Tap the “Edit” (pencil) icon if you’re not already in edit mode.
  • Step 4: Select the text or section of the document where you intend to modify the background color.
  • Step 5: Search for a formatting or paintbrush icon in the app’s toolbar that could provide options to adjust text or background color. This option should become visible once you’ve highlighted the text.