How to Change the Visibility of the GitHub Repository?

GitHub repositories can be either public or private, depending on your preferences and requirements. Public repositories are accessible to everyone, allowing anyone to view and contribute to the code, while private repositories are restricted to specific collaborators. Changing the visibility of a repository is a simple process that can be done through the GitHub web interface. This article will guide you through the steps to change the visibility of your GitHub repository.

Why Change Repository Visibility?

  • Privacy: Protect sensitive code and information by making a repository private.
  • Collaboration: Open up your project to the community by making a repository public.
  • Control: Manage who can see and contribute to your project by adjusting its visibility.

Approach 1: At the time of the creation of the repository

In order to change the visibility of the repository at the time of creation, follow the steps depicted below with visual aids as follows:

Step 1: In the repository section, select new to create a new repository. 

Step 2: After filling in the details choose the visibility.

Step 3: Click on the create repository option.

Approach 2: After the creation of the repository

Step 1: Choose the repository, select the settings option from the header.

Step 2 :Scroll to the end of the page up to Danger Zone, in this danger zone, select the change visibility option 

Step 3: Choose the visibility you want.

With the usage of these two approaches we can change the visibility of the repository.

Considerations When Changing Repository Visibility

1. Impact on Collaborators

  • Public to Private: If you change a public repository to private, only current collaborators will retain access. You might need to invite additional collaborators manually.
  • Private to Public: Changing a private repository to public makes it accessible to anyone on the internet. Ensure that no sensitive information is present in the repository before making it public.

2. Impact on Forks

  • Public to Private: If a public repository is forked before being made private, the forks will remain public.
  • Private to Public: Once a private repository is made public, it can be forked by anyone.

3. Billing Considerations

  • Private repositories are generally a paid feature on GitHub, depending on your account type and plan. Ensure you have the appropriate plan if you intend to maintain multiple private repositories.

Best Practices

1. Regularly Review Repository Visibility

Periodically review your repositories’ visibility settings to ensure they align with your current needs and collaboration goals.

2. Audit Repository Content Before Changing Visibility

Before making a private repository public, audit its contents to ensure that no sensitive information or proprietary code is exposed.

3. Communicate with Collaborators

Inform your collaborators of any changes to the repository’s visibility to avoid confusion and ensure they have the necessary access.


How do I change a public repository to private on GitHub?

Navigate to the repository’s settings, scroll down to the “Danger Zone,” and click “Change visibility.” Confirm the change by typing the repository name and clicking the confirmation button.

Can I make a private repository public?

Yes, you can make a private repository public by following the same steps: go to the repository’s settings, scroll to the “Danger Zone,” and click “Change visibility.” Confirm the change by typing the repository name.

Will changing the visibility of a repository affect its forks?

If you change a public repository to private, its existing forks will remain public. If you change a private repository to public, it can be forked by anyone.

Do I need a paid plan to create private repositories?

Yes, creating private repositories may require a paid plan on GitHub, depending on your account type and the number of private repositories you need.

What should I do before making a private repository public?

Before making a private repository public, audit its contents to ensure no sensitive information or proprietary code is exposed. Communicate with collaborators about the change.