How to compare two ValueTuple in C#?

To compare two instances of ValueTuple you can use CompareTo method which is provided by ValueTuple structure. ValueTuple.CompareTo(ValueTuple) Method is used to compare the current instance of ValueTuple with another ValueTuple instance. It always returns zero if they are equal to each other.


public int CompareTo (ValueTuple other);

Here, other is the object to compare with the current instance.

Returns: The method always returns 0 of type System.Int32.

Exception: This method will throw an ArgumentException if the other is not ValueTuple instance.

Example 1:

// C# program to illustrate the 
// concept of CompareTo method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main method
    static public void Main()
        // Creating value tuples with two elements
        var MyTple1 = ValueTuple.Create(56, 45);
        var MyTple2 = ValueTuple.Create(56, 3);
        var MyTple3 = ValueTuple.Create(56, 45);
        var MyTple4 = ValueTuple.Create(5345, 45);
        // Using CompareTo method
        int res1 = MyTple1.CompareTo(MyTple2);
        int res2 = MyTple1.CompareTo(MyTple3);
        int res3 = MyTple1.CompareTo(MyTple4);
        // Display result
        Console.WriteLine("Result 1: " + res1);
        Console.WriteLine("Result 2: " + res2);
        Console.WriteLine("Result 3: " + res3);


Result 1: 1
Result 2: 0
Result 3: -1

Example 2:

// C# program to illustrate the
// use of CompareTo method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static public void Main()
        // Creating value tuples with one element
        var MyVTple1 = ValueTuple.Create(2018);
        var MyVTple2 = ValueTuple.Create(2018);
        // Compare both value tuples
        // Using CompareTo method
        if (MyVTple1.CompareTo(MyVTple2) == 0) 
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to w3wiki");
            Console.WriteLine("Page Not Found");


Welcome to w3wiki

