How to configure an OAuth App from GitHub?

OAuth (Open Authorization) is a standard protocol that allows secure authorization from third-party applications. GitHub provides a robust OAuth implementation that allows developers to integrate their applications with GitHub’s API seamlessly. Configuring an OAuth App from GitHub can streamline authentication processes, allowing users to log in using their GitHub credentials. This article will guide you on how to configure an OAuth App from GitHub.

What is an OAuth App?

An OAuth App on GitHub is an application that integrates with GitHub’s authentication system. It uses OAuth tokens to grant limited access to user data, ensuring secure interactions between your app and GitHub. This is particularly useful for applications that require access to user repositories, data, or actions on GitHub.

Steps to Configure an OAuth App on GitHub

Step 1: Go to and fill in the details if you already have an account or sign up.

Fill the required details and Click on ‘Sign in’ button to continue.

Step 2: Now, as you are logged in, you will see your profile photo in the upper-right corner of the page. Click on the profile photo and then click on Settings.

Step 3:  In the bottom of the left sidebar, click on Developer Settings.

Step 4: In the left sidebar, click “OAuth Apps“.

Step 5: Now click on “Register a new application“.

Step 6: Now, fill the details


  • In “Application name“, fill the name of your app.
  • In “Homepage URL“, fill the full URL to your app’s website.
  • Application Description” is optional. You can fill it to give the basic overview of your app to your users.
  • At last, in “Authorization callback URL“, fill the callback URL of your app.

Step 7: Click “Register application“.

Now, your new OAuth App is registered and you will be provided with Client-ID and Client Secret ID for your app.

Best Practices

  • Secure Client Secret: Never expose your Client Secret in client-side code or public repositories.
  • Use HTTPS: Always use HTTPS for redirect URIs and API requests to ensure data security.
  • Scope Management: Request only the permissions (scopes) your application needs to function. This minimizes security risks and builds trust with users.
  • Token Management: Handle tokens securely and implement mechanisms for token revocation if needed.