How to convert an existing callback to a promise in Node.js ?

Callback: In terms of JavaScript, callback is a function passed as a parameter to another function. The function executes as soon as the result of the calling function gets ready. In simple words, it handles the asynchronous requirement of JavaScript.

Example: The best example to demonstrate this is to use a setTimeout() function which accepts a callback and delays the execution of JavaScript code. As soon as the time set to function gets over, the callback function executes.

// Defining a callback function 
var callback = ()=>{
    console.log("Hello! w3wiki");
// Passing the callback function
// as a parameter
setTimeout(callback, 2000);
// The callback gets executed as
// soon as 2 seconds are over.
// This behavior shows the 
// execution of a callback.


Hello! w3wiki

Promises: It is very much similar to the callbacks in operation. But, the advantage of using Promises is to improve the code readability as it saves us from the callback hell.
Promises have four states

  • Pending: The promise has not yet completed. It did not succeed and fail.
  • Fulfilled: The promise ended with success.
  • Rejected: The promise ended with an error.
  • Settled: The promise either gave an error or succeeded.

Converting an existing callback to a Promise:

// Existing Callback
var callback = function(err, success) {
    if(err) {
        console.log("Geek is very sad!");
    else {
        console.log("Geek is optimistic, "
            + "thus becomes successful");
var caller = function(status, callback){
    if(status === 'Happy')
        callback(null, true);
    else {
        callback(new Error(), false);
// Calling the caller method
// Executes the success part
caller('Happy', callback);
// Executes the error part
caller('Sad', callback);


Geek is optimistic, thus becomes successful
Geek is very sad!

Steps to follow:

  • Define a function named error and insert the error codeblock of callback function into it.
  • Define a function named success and insert the success codeblock into it.
  • Then modify the caller code by returning promise object.
  • Use the success and error methods in any of the following ways.
  • See the code snippet below for better understanding.

// This snippet briefly shows
// the implementation
var error = function(){
    // The error codeblock from
    // the existing callback.
    console.log("Geek is very sad!");
var success = function(){
    // The success codeblock from
    // the existing callback
    console.log("Geek is optimistic, "
        + "thus becomes successful");
var caller = function(status) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        if(status === 'Happy') {
            // Calling the resolve function 
            // when function returns success
        else {
            // Calling the reject function
            // when function returns failure
// Throw success
// Throw error


Geek is optimistic, thus becomes successful
Geek is very sad!

Let us change the following code snippet into a promise implementation. To make the implementation run, we need to set up a web app running on a node server.

To understand using an example we need to set up a node server on the system. You can follow the following steps to set up a node server.

Install node and set up a simple node application by following the steps as shown here.

Example: Here, the scenario is that we have a student array having id and name as values. We need to get the name of the student having the given id. We are given an existing callback that needs to be converted to a promise.

/* The following code snippet depicts a GET request
to the server made by the client, which requests for
the name of the student with a given student id. Here we
have a student array that stores JSON objects of
student id and name. We are going to create a GET
Request using expressjs in node first. Then we will
write a route to get name of student based on id. */
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
// Students array
var students = [
        id: 101,
        name: "Geek A"
        id: 102,
        name: "Geek B"
        id: 103,
        name: "Geek C"
        id: 104,
        name: "Geek D"
// Definition of the callback function
const callback = (err, student) => {
    if(err) {
        return `Student with given id ${err} not found`;
    else {
        return "Here is the student: " +;
// Passing studentid and callback function as parameter
const findName = (studentId, callbackFunction) => {
    let student = students.find(function(studentValue) {
        return == studentId;
    // Student not found
    if(typeof student === 'undefined')  {
        return callbackFunction(studentId, false);
    else // Student found
       return callbackFunction(null, student);
const getName = (req, res)=>{
    // Sending back the response to the server
    res.send(findName(req.params.studentId, callback));
app.get('/getName/:studentId', getName);
app.listen(8000, 'localhost', function () {
    console.log('Server Listening');


Now, we can convert the callback function into promises. Here, we can follow the earlier steps again i.e. Error logic in the failure function and Success logic in the success function. Please see the below code for more clarity.

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
var students = [
        id: 101,
        name: "Geek A"
        id: 102,
        name: "Geek B"
        id: 103,
        name: "Geek C"
        id: 104,
        name: "Geek D"
// Writing the success logic here
const success = (student) => {
    return "Here is the student: " +;
// Writing the failure logic here.
const failure = (fail) => {
    return `Student with the given id ${fail} was not found`;
const findName = (studentId) => {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        let student = students.find(function (studentValue) {
            return == studentId;
        if (student) {
        else {
const getName = async (req, res) => {
    let answer = await findName(
app.get('/getName/:studentId', getName);
app.listen(8000, 'localhost', function () {
    console.log('Server Listening');
