How to convert JSON results into a date using JavaScript ?

The task is to convert a JSON result to JavaScript Date with the help of JavaScript. There are two methods which are discussed below: 

Approach 1:

Example: This example implements the above approach. 


<h1 style="color:green;">
<p id="GFG_UP">
<button onclick="gfg_Run()">
    click here
<p id="GFG_DOWN">
    var el_up = document.getElementById("GFG_UP");
    var el_down = document.getElementById("GFG_DOWN");
    var jsonDate = '/Date(1559083200000)/';
    el_up.innerHTML = "Click on the button to convert"
                + " JSON result to JavaScript Date."
                + "<br>JSON Date - " + jsonDate;
    function gfg_Run() {
        var date = new Date(parseInt(jsonDate.substr(6)));
        el_down.innerHTML = date;


How to convert JSON results into a date using JavaScript ?

Approach 2:

  • Use the regExp to get the integer part of the string.
  • Use the Date() method to get the JavaScript date.

Example: This example implements the above approach. 


<h1 style="color:green;">
<p id="GFG_UP">
<button onclick="gfg_Run()">
    click here
<p id="GFG_DOWN">
    var el_up = document.getElementById("GFG_UP");
    var el_down = document.getElementById("GFG_DOWN");
    var jsonDate = '/Date(1559083200000)/';
    el_up.innerHTML = "Click on the button to convert"
                + " JSON result to JavaScript Date."
                + "<br>JSON Date - " + jsonDate;
    function gfg_Run() {
        var date = new Date(jsonDate.match(/\d+/)[0] * 1);
        el_down.innerHTML = date;


How to convert JSON results into a date using JavaScript ?