How to Convert string to float type in Golang?

ParseFloat function is an in-build function in the strconv library which converts the string type into a floating-point number with the precision specified by bit size.

Example: In this example the same string -2.514 is being converted into float data type and then their sum is being printed. Once it is converted to 8 bit-size and other times it is 32 bit-size. Both yield different results because ParseFloat accepts decimal and hexadecimal floating-point number syntax. If a1 or a2 is well-formed and near a valid floating-point number, ParseFloat returns the nearest floating-point number rounded using IEEE754 unbiased rounding which is parsing a hexadecimal floating-point value only rounds when there are more bits in the hexadecimal representation than will fit in the mantissa.

// Golang program to Convert
// string to float type
package main
import (
func main() {
    // defining a string a1
    a1 := "-2.514"
    // converting the string a1 
    // into float and storing it
    // in b1 using ParseFloat
    b1, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(a1, 8)
    // printing the float b1
    a2 := "-2.514"
    b2, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(a2, 32)
    fmt.Println(b1 + b2)

