How to convert String to structtype in Scala?

In Scala, whenever one deals with structured data such as JSON or CSV, there is usually a need to convert strings into structured data types like “StructType“. This is very important for efficient processing and analysis of data, particularly in big data setups where Apache Spark is mostly used.

To turn a string into a StructType in Scala, the string is parsed and defined according to its structure schema. In Apache Spark, a StructType represents the schema of either DataFrame or Dataset which is presented with the use of the list of StructFields. It’s frequently employed while dealing with Spark applications that apply datasets or data frames.

Key points:

  • This type represents schema for structured ones.
  • It contains several StructField each has a name, type of value, and nullable properties.
  • Turning your string into a structtype will therefore entail parsing it out and then defining its appropriate pattern accordingly.
  • That happens in the case of reading structured files when implementing schemas for Apache Spark applications.

Below is the Scala Code:

import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

object Main{
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    // Input string representing the schema
    val schemaString = "name:String,age:Int,city:String"

    // Parse the schema string and create StructFields
    val fields = schemaString.split(",")
      .map(fieldName => {
        val Array(name, dataType) = fieldName.split(":")
        val dt = dataType match {
          case "String" => StringType
          case "Int" => IntegerType
          // Add more data types as needed
          // Handle other data types accordingly
          case _ => StringType // Default to StringType for unknown types
        StructField(name, dt, nullable = true)

    // Create the StructType
    val schema = StructType(fields)

    // Print the schema

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. First, we need to define the input string in schema (schemaString) that represents the schema.
  2. After that, we will split the schema string by commas so as to obtain individual field definitions.
  3. For each field definition, let’s iterate over them
  4. To separate field name and data type, we can split each field definition by colon (:).
  5. The data type string should be mapped to corresponding Spark SQL data types (StringType, IntegerType, etc.).
  6. All fields require StructField objects for each one having parsed name, nullable flag and data type.
  7. Then I created a StructType object using those StructField objects that I made before.
  8. Print or use the created schema as needed.


In Scala it is crucial to convert a string into StructType because schemas are defined dynamically. Therefore we can parse this code in order to get structured data types from string representations of schemas that are useful for processing and analysis. By following these steps and utilizing the given code you would be able to quickly turn strings representing schemas into structures of information which an be analyzed or processed.