How To Convert Weak Entity to Strong Entity?

Answer: Convert weak entity to strong by adding a primary key and ensure independence through normalization and composite keys.

Follow these steps to convert weak entity into strong entity:

  • Identification of Weak Entity: Recognize entities in the database model that lack a unique identifier and are dependent on another entity for identification.
  • Primary Key Definition: Assign a unique primary key to the weak entity, incorporating attributes that, when combined with a discriminator, ensure its distinct identification.
  • Establishing a Strong Relationship: Forge a robust relationship between the weak entity and an identifying entity, ensuring that the weak entity’s identity is solidified by the identifying entity.
  • Ensuring Total Participation: Guarantee that every instance of the weak entity participates entirely in the identifying relationship, establishing a clear association with the identifying entity.
  • Attribute Normalization: Normalize attributes to eliminate redundancies, streamlining the structure and optimizing data integrity.
  • Consideration of Composite Key: Contemplate the use of a composite key for the strong entity, combining the primary key of the weak entity with additional attributes for comprehensive identification.
  • Independence Verification: Verify, the transformed strong entity can exist independently of the identifying entity, ensuring autonomy within the database structure.