How to Create a 3D Parallax Effect in CSS?

A 3D parallax effect is the effect that is able to change the background on scrolling. This article will show the implementation of a parallax scrolling effect. where it creates multiple image layers with varying depths and scales that move at different speeds while scrolling, producing a 3D-like illusion. The scrolling effect involves background images moving at a different speed than foreground elements, creating a captivating visual experience for users.


This webpage uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for an interactive parallax effect:

  • Structure (HTML): Sets up the basic webpage layout with a title and content area.
  • Styling (CSS): Defines styles for different animation layers (background, frame, text, decorations).
  • Animation Layers (HTML): Creates separate divs for each layer with specific classes.
  • Interaction (JavaScript): Uses GSAP library to scale elements based on mouse wheel movement, creating a parallax effect.

Note: Scrolling your mouse wheel zooms the background, text, and decorations for a visually engaging experience.

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above-explained approach.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Page Title</title>

        .layer {
            position: fixed;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;

        .frame {
            position: absolute;
            top: 20px;
            left: 20px;
            width: calc(100% - 40px);
            height: calc(100% - 40px);
            border: 3px solid #fff;
            box-sizing: border-box;
            border-radius: 6px;

        .bg {
            position: absolute;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            background: url(
                        center center no-repeat;
            background-size: cover;

        .text {
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
            color: #fff;
            font-size: 12px;
            line-height: 1.2;

        .deco1 {
            position: absolute;
            top: 30%;
            left: 25%;
            width: 7vw;
            height: 7vw;
            border-radius: 100%;
            background: #fff;

        .deco2 {
            position: absolute;
            top: 40%;
            left: 65%;
            width: 7vw;
            height: 7vw;
            border-radius: 100%;
            background: #fff;

        .deco3 {
            position: absolute;
            top: 60%;
            left: 35%;
            width: 7vw;
            height: 7vw;
            border-radius: 100%;
            background: #fff;

    <div class="layer -bg">
        <div class="bg"></div>

    <div class="layer -frame">
        <div class="frame"></div>

    <div class="layer -text">
        <div class="text">
            <h1>Hello GFGians!<br>I'm Mayank.
             <br>I love WebDev!</h1>

    <div class="layer -deco1">
        <div class="deco1"></div>

    <div class="layer -deco2">
        <div class="deco2"></div>

    <div class="layer -deco3">
        <div class="deco3"></div>
    <script src=
        let scale = {
            bg: 1,
            text: 1,
            deco1: 1,
            deco2: 1,
            deco3: 1,

        window.addEventListener('wheel', event => {
            // scale
   += event.deltaY / 80000
            scale.text += event.deltaY / 4000
            scale.deco1 += event.deltaY / 19000
            scale.deco2 += event.deltaY / 6000
            scale.deco3 += event.deltaY / 1000

   = Math.max(, 1)
            scale.text = Math.max(scale.text, 1)
            scale.deco1 = Math.max(scale.deco1, 1)
            scale.deco2 = Math.max(scale.deco2, 1)
            scale.deco3 = Math.max(scale.deco3, 1)

  '.layer.-bg', {
                duration: 1,
                ease: 'power3.out'

  '.layer.-text', {
                scale: scale.text,
                duration: 1,
                ease: 'power3.out'

  '.layer.-deco1', {
                scale: scale.deco1,
                duration: 1,
                ease: 'power3.out'

  '.layer.-deco2', {
                scale: scale.deco2,
                duration: 1,
                ease: 'power3.out'

  '.layer.-deco3', {
                scale: scale.deco3,
                duration: 1,
                ease: 'power3.out'
