How to Create a Custom KeyboardInterrupt in Python

In Python, custom KeyboardInterrupts means handling the interruption signals like Ctrl+C in a customized way. Instead of the default behavior, you can define specific actions to be executed when the interrupt signal is received. In this article, we will learn to Create a Custom KeyboardInterrupt in Python using two different approaches.

Create a Custom KeyboardInterrupt

Below are the possible approaches to Creating a Custom KeyboardInterrupt in Python.

  • Using a Custom Exception Handler
  • Using a Signal Handler

Create a Custom KeyboardInterrupt Using a Custom Exception Handler

In this example, we are using a custom exception handler to manage the KeyboardInterrupt exception. When Ctrl+C is pressed, the KeyboardInterrupt is caught, triggering the custom_keyboard_interrupt_handler function to execute custom cleanup actions.

import time

def custom_keyboard_interrupt_handler():
    print("Custom KeyboardInterrupt caught! Cleaning up...")

    print("Press Ctrl+C to interrupt")
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Program terminated.")


Create a Custom KeyboardInterrupt Using a Signal Handler

In this approach, we are using the signal module to catch the SIGINT signal, which is triggered by pressing Ctrl+C. We define a custom handler function, custom_keyboard_interrupt_handler, and register it to handle the SIGINT signal. When Ctrl+C is pressed, the custom handler is executed, printing a custom message.

import signal
import time

def custom_keyboard_interrupt_handler(signum, frame):
    print("Custom KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl+C) caught! Cleaning up...")

# Register the custom signal handler for SIGINT (Ctrl+C)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, custom_keyboard_interrupt_handler)

    print("Press Ctrl+C to interrupt")
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("Standard KeyboardInterrupt caught! Exiting...")
print("Program terminated.")
