How to Create a Moving Car Animation using Flash?

Flash is a 2D animation software that can be used on different operating systems like macOS, Windows, Linux, etc. It was first launched in 1996 and the latest version is released in 2021. It is capable of different functionalities like masking, character tracing, lip-sync, motion and shape tweening, frame by frame animations, etc. In Flash, the created animations are vector-based rather than pixel animations which can only be zoomed to a certain level but this is not the case with vector-based animations so they provide high-quality animations.

Car Animation

Car animation is one the basic and most used animation in any animation project because there are scenes when a person is going somewhere or any road scene then car animation play an essential role. There is a number of ways in which people make car animation but we will learn the simplest method that will provide complete control on every component. Follow the below steps to create a moving Car Animation.

Step 1: Open the flash and make a new project.

Step 2: Take the pencil tool or brush tool to draw a basic car, you can take references from the internet to draw a car. First, we will draw the upper part.

Step 3: Now draw the windows of the car.

Step 4: Use an oval shape to draw the wheels of the car, you can also draw the wheels manually using a brush or pencil tool.

Step 5: Now fill the grey color in tires and use the brush tool to draw streaks on tires so that it gives a feel of moving tires.

Step 6: Now our car is ready so we will convert it to a symbol, so select complete car using the selection tool and right-click, a list will appear, choose to convert to symbol.

Step 7: Next screen will appear choose type as Graphic and click OK.

Step 8: Now double click on the symbol and you will get inside the symbol, so the scene and then the symbol is written on the top left corner.

Step 9: Now select frame 3 and insert a keyframe.

Step 10: After inserting the keyframe just select the upper part of the car leaving the wheels and move it up a little bit.

Step 11: Now select the tires and use the free transform tool to stretch tires a little in the upward direction.

Step 12: Now double click again to come out from the symbol onto the stage and we will see that on the timeline we only have a single frame because inside the symbol the timeline was different.

Step 13: Now select frame 60 and insert a frame.

Step 14: Now make a new layer and name it Road.

Step 15: Using the rectangle tool draw lane markers below the car.

Step 16: Select all the lane markers and convert them to a graphic symbol.

Step 17: Now double-click to go inside the symbol of the lane markers.

Step 18: We are inside the symbol so the timeline will have a single keyframe so select frame 9 and insert a keyframe.

Step 19: Now select the lane markers and move them to left a little bit.

Step 20: Now select a middle frame and right click, a list will appear to click on create classic tween.

Step 21: Now double click to come out of the symbol on the main scene.

Congratulations your car animation is ready, press Ctrl + enter to see the animation. This is the output video of Car Animation.