How to create a RAM disk using Node.js ?

A RAM disk is a virtual disk device that stores data on a portion of a computer’s RAM. It has faster read and write speeds than conventional hard drives or solid-state drives because data can be accessed and written to and from RAM much faster. We’ll look at how to make a RAM disk with Node.js, a popular JavaScript runtime, in this essay.

In Node.js, we can create a RAM disk by using the tmp module, which provides an easy way to create temporary files and directories. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial for making a RAM drive with Node.js:

Steps needed to create a RAM using Node.js:

Step 1: Install the tmp package first:
To use the tmp module, we must first load it with npm in our project. Navigate to your project location in a terminal or command prompt. After that, execute the following command:

npm install tmp

Step 2: Install the tmp and fs components:
We must import the tmp and fs modules at the outset of our script in order to use them in our Node.js application. Here’s an illustration:

const tmp = require('tmp');
const fs = require('fs');

Step 3: Create a RAM disk:
The tmp.dirSync() method can be used to build a RAM disk using the tmp module. By default, this technique creates a temporary directory in the system’s temporary directory, but the dir option can be used to create a directory in RAM instead. Here’s an illustration:

const dir = tmp.dirSync({ 
    mode: '0755', 
    prefix: 'my_ram_disk_', 
    dir: '/dev/shm' 

Step 4: Data can be read and written to the RAM drive:
After we’ve made the RAM disk, we can use the fs module to read and write data to it, just like we would with a regular disk. Here’s an illustration:

const file = `${}/my_file.txt`;
fs.writeFileSync(file, 'Hello, world!', { encoding: 'utf8' });
const data = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
console.log(data); // Output: "Hello, world!"

Step 5: Delete the RAM Disk:

When we’re done with the RAM disk, we should delete it to free up the memory it’s taking up. We can accomplish this by using the dir.removeCallback() function, as shown below:


This will delete the RAM disk and any files it contains.


Here is an example of creating a RAM disk in Node.js where we can write and read data to and from it:


const tmp = require('tmp');
const fs = require('fs');
// Create a RAM disk
const dir = tmp.dirSync({ 
    mode: '0755'
    prefix: 'my_ram_disk_'
    dir: '/dev/shm' 
console.log(`RAM disk created at ${}`);
// Write data to the RAM disk
const file = `${}/my_file.txt`;
fs.writeFileSync(file, 'Hello, world!', { encoding: 'utf8' });
console.log(`Data written to ${file}`);
// Read data from the RAM disk
const data = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
console.log(`Data read from ${file}: ${data}`);
// Remove the RAM disk
console.log(`RAM disk removed from ${}`);


RAM disk created at /dev/shm/my_ram_disk_Ll1Ynn
Data written to /dev/shm/my_ram_disk_Ll1Ynn/my_file.txt
Data read from /dev/shm/my_ram_disk_Ll1Ynn/my_file.txt: Hello, world!
RAM disk removed from /dev/shm/my_ram_disk_Ll1Ynn

This output indicates that the RAM disk was successfully created at ‘/dev/shm/my_ram_disk_Ll1Ynn, the data was written to and read from the file my_file.txt in the RAM disk, and the RAM disk was removed.