How to Create a Remote Git Branch?

Creating a remote Git branch allows multiple developers to work on different features or fixes simultaneously. It ensures a clean and organized workflow, enabling collaboration without affecting the main codebase. This article covers the steps to create a remote Git branch and push it to a remote repository like GitHub.

Table of Content

  • Approach 1: Using Git Commands in the Terminal
  • Approach 2: Using IDEs
  • Conclusion

Approach 1: Using Git Commands in the Terminal

Step 1: Check your Current Branch.

Ensure you are on the branch from which you want to create a new branch.

git branch

git branch

Step 2: Create a New Branch Locally.

Use the git branch command to create a new branch.

git branch <-new-feature->

git branch master

Step 3: Switch to the New Branch

Use the git checkout command to switch to the new branch.

git checkout new-feature

git checkout

Alternatively, we can combine steps 2 and 3 using.

git checkout -b new-feature

Step 4: Push the New Branch to the Remote Repository.

Use the git push command to push the branch to the remote repository.

git push -u origin new-feature

Approach 2: Using IDEs

Step 1: Open Your IDE

Open your IDE with Git support (e.g., Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA).

vs code

Step 2: Check Out to the Desired Base Branch

Use the IDE’s Git integration to check out to the desired base branch.

git branch

git branch

Step 3: Create a New Branch

Use the IDE’s Git integration to create a new branch. This can usually be done through the Git menu or a dedicated Git panel.

git branch <-new-feature->

git branch mastet

Step 4: Push the New Branch to the Remote Repository

Use the IDE’s Git integration to push the new branch to the remote repository. before this, make sure we switched to new branch

git checkout <-new-feature->

git checkout


Creating a remote Git branch can be done using Git commands in the terminal, Git GUI clients, or IDEs. Each approach involves checking out to the base branch, creating a new branch, and pushing it to the remote repository. By following these steps, we can manage your branches effectively and collaborate seamlessly with your team.