How to create and download CSV file in JavaScript ?

Sometimes we need to fetch the data in the form of a CSV file, it might be user’s details or other data for machine learning or analytics purposes. We can easily fetch the data from any javascript object or JSON file and download it in the form of a CSV file. 

In this article, we will deal with 2 data sources:

  1. Javascript object
  2. JSON object

Data Source: Javascript Object

Approach: In short, we need the header which is referred to by javascript object keys, and rows referred by javascript object values. we need them separated by a comma in order to make it a CSV. We use Blob for building a CSV file.

// Javascript Object
const data = {
id: 1,
name: "Beginner",
profession: "developer"

this should be converted to:

id, name, profession
1, Beginner, developer

Step 1: Setting up the project

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content=
        "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <button id="action">Download csv</button>

    <script type="text/javascript" 

const get = async function () {

    // JavaScript bject
    const data = {
        id: 1,
        name: "Beginner",
        profession: "developer"

// Getting element by id and adding eventlistener 
// to listen everytime button get pressed
const btn = document.getElementById('action');
btn.addEventListener('click', get);

Step 2: Creating a csvmaker function in main.js. This function is responsible for making normal java objects in a form of CSV.

const csvmaker = function (data) {

    // Empty array for storing the values
    csvRows = [];

    // Headers is basically a keys of an object
    // which is id, name, and profession
    const headers = Object.keys(data);

    // As for making csv format, headers must
    // be separated by comma and pushing it
    // into array

    // Pushing Object values into array
    // with comma separation
    const values = Object.values(data).join(',');

    // Returning the array joining with new line 
    return csvRows.join('\n')

const get = async function () {

    // JavaScript object
    const data = {
        id: 1,
        name: "Beginner",
        profession: "developer"


// Getting element by id and adding 
// eventlistener to listen everytime
// button get pressed
const btn = document.getElementById('action');
btn.addEventListener('click', get);


Step 3: Creating a download function. This function will enable us to download a CSV file containing our passed data.

// Function to download the CSV file
const download = (data) => {
    // Create a Blob with the CSV data and type
    const blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/csv' });
    // Create a URL for the Blob
    const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    // Create an anchor tag for downloading
    const a = document.createElement('a');
    // Set the URL and download attribute of the anchor tag
    a.href = url; = 'download.csv';
    // Trigger the download by clicking the anchor tag;

// Function to create a CSV string from an object
const csvmaker = (data) => {
    // Get the keys (headers) of the object
    const headers = Object.keys(data);
    // Get the values of the object
    const values = Object.values(data);
    // Join the headers and values with commas and newlines to create the CSV string
    return [headers.join(','), values.join(',')].join('\n');

// Asynchronous function to fetch data and download the CSV file
const get = async () => {
    // Example data object
    const data = {
        id: 1,
        name: "Beginner",
        profession: "developer"
    // Create the CSV string from the data
    const csvdata = csvmaker(data);
    // Download the CSV file

// Add a click event listener to the button with ID 'action'
document.getElementById('action').addEventListener('click', get);


Data Source: JSON Object

The process is similar for JSON objects

  • We need to make a javascript object mapping through a JSON file. It will work the same as the data we used previously.
// Asynchronous function to fetch and process COVID-19 data
const get = async () => {
    // URL for fetching COVID-19 data
    const url = '';

    // Fetch data from the URL and await the response
    const res = await fetch(url);

    // Extract the 'statewise' array from the JSON response
    const { statewise } = await res.json();

    // Map through the 'statewise' data and create an array of objects
    const data ={ state, statecode, active, confirmed, deaths }) => ({

    // Generate CSV data from the processed data
    const csvdata = csvmaker(data);

    // Download the generated CSV data
  • We need to loop over the object values and push them to the array in the csvmaker function in main.js
const csvmaker = function (data) {

    // Empty array for storing the values
    csvRows = [];

    // Headers is basically a keys of an object which 
    // is id, name, and profession
    const headers = Object.keys(data[0]);

    // As for making csv format, headers must be
    // separated by comma and pushing it into array

    // Pushing Object values into the array with
    // comma separation

    // Looping through the data values and make
    // sure to align values with respect to headers
    for (const row of data) {
        const values = => {
            return row[e]

    // const values = Object.values(data).join(',');
    // csvRows.push(values)

    // returning the array joining with new line 
    return csvRows.join('\n')
