How to Create Interface with Self-Reference Property in TypeScript ?

In TypeScript, interfaces allow you to define the structure of objects. Sometimes, you may need to create interfaces where an object property refers to the object itself. This is useful for defining recursive data structures like trees or linked lists.

Table of Content

  • Direct Reference Approach
  • Using Type Aliases Approach

Direct Reference Approach

In the Direct Reference approach, the interface directly references itself within its definition. This straightforward method allows for clear and explicit declaration of recursive data structures in TypeScript.


interface TreeNode {
value: number;
left?: TreeNode;
right?: TreeNode;

Example: The below code creates an interface with self referencing property to create a TreeNode.


interface TreeNode {
    value: number;
    left?: TreeNode;
    right?: TreeNode;
const rootNode: TreeNode = {
    value: 5,
    left: {
        value: 3,
        left: { value: 2 },
        right: { value: 4 }
    right: {
        value: 8,
        left: { value: 7 },
        right: { value: 9 }


value: 5,
left: {
value: 3,
left: {
value: 2
right: {
value: 4
right: {
value: 8,
left: {
value: 7
right: {
value: 9

Using Type Aliases Approach

Using the Type Aliases approach employs the type keyword to create a type alias that references itself. This technique offers an alternative to interface declarations and provides flexibility in defining recursive data structures.


type TreeNode = {
value: number;
left?: TreeNode;
right?: TreeNode;

Example: The below code implements the Type Alias to create an interface with self referencing property.


type TreeNode = {
    value: number;
    left?: TreeNode;
    right?: TreeNode;
const rootNode: TreeNode = {
    value: 5,
    left: {
        value: 3,
        left: { value: 2 },
        right: { value: 4 }
    right: {
        value: 8,
        left: { value: 7 },
        right: { value: 9 }


value: 5,
left: {
value: 3,
left: {
value: 2
right: {
value: 4
right: {
value: 8,
left: {
value: 7
right: {
value: 9