How to Create Pull Request on GitHub Without Using any IDE?

Creating a pull request (PR) on GitHub is an important part of collaborative software development. It allows you to propose changes to a project, which can then be reviewed and merged by other contributors. You don’t need an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to create a pull request. In this article, we will see how to Create Pull Request on GitHub without Using any IDE.

Steps to Create Pull Request on GitHub

Step 1: Go to the page on Github on which you want to create a pull request or for now Go to the above-given project and try to create Pull Request. Then click on the edit button as shown in the figure. Then make the changes that you want to make.

Create Pull Request

Step 2: Then Go to the bottom of the page and give the commit message(like the changes you have done) and then Click On Propose Changes.

Make changes in repository

Step 3: Then a new Web Page will Open. Click On Create Pull Request.

Create pull request

Step 4: Go below and Again Click On Create Pull Request.

Confirm Create Pull Request

And then You Will See (This Branch has no conflicts with the base Branch) and Yes, You have Created Your First Pull Request Without using any IDE.

How to Create Pull Request on GitHub without Using any IDE?