How to Delete All Messages in Discord

Discord is an online platform mainly used for communicating with your friends using its excellent features. However, the need to manage chat history can arise as conversations evolve. This guide delves into the proper methods for deleting messages within the Discord platform, ensuring effective control over your digital footprint. Whether you wish to declutter a Direct Message channel or address specific messages within a server, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the available options for message deletion on Discord.

How to Delete All Messages in Discord on Desktop (Using MEE6)

In this section, you will get the steps to delete all messages in Discord on desktop using MEE6. Ensure you have MEE6 installed and authorized with the necessary permissions on your Discord server.

Note: This method is ideal for server administrators and moderators aiming to maintain chat cleanliness or enforce specific content policies with ease.

Step 1: Visit MEE6 Bot

You will need a bot for performing a deletion of messages in bulk and the MEE6 Bot is one of the famous bots where you can perform several actions including deleting the message so visit the mee6.xvz website to add the bot to your channel.

Visit MEE6 Bot

Step 2: Click on “Log in with Discord”

After opening the MEE6 website click on “Login with Discord” to log in MEE6 with your Discord account.

Click on “Login with Discord”

Step 3: Click “Authorize”

After logging in with your discord account allow all the necessary permissions and click on the “Authorize” button.

Click “Authorize”

Step 4: Select a Server >> Click on “Setup”

Now your all the server list will appear on the screen, and you can select the desired server in which you want to authorize the MEE6 Bot. After choosing your desired server click on the “Setup” button present next to the server’s name.

> Click on "Setup"" height="400" loading="lazy" src="/public/files/IMG_20240121_204501-ezgifcom-png-to-webp-converter.webp" width="800">
Select a Server >> Click on “Setup”

Step 5: Click on “Continue”

In this step allow the check points and click on the “Continue” button.

Click on “Continue”

Step 6: Check the Box

Now confirm that you are human by clicking on the “I am Human” checkbox and solving the puzzle.

Confirm you are not Robot

Step 7: Use “! clear<number>”

Once your Bot is successfully authorized in your server, open Discord app and navigate to your server in which you have authorized the bot. In order to delete messages, type the “! clear<number>” command into your server and pass the number of messages you want to delete in the <number> tag. For example: “! clear<100>” to delete last 100 messages in the server.

"" height="400" loading="lazy" src="/public/files/IMG_20240121_204632-ezgifcom-png-to-webp-converter.webp" width="800">
Type “! clear”

Step 8: Use “! clear[username]”

To delete the messages of a particular person, use the “! clear[username]” command and pass the username of the person into the “[username]” tag.

Type “! clear[username]”

How to Delete All Messages in Discord on Mobile

In this section, you will learn how to delete all messages in Discord directly from your mobile device. This straightforward method ensures you can maintain a clean and organized Discord experience while using your smartphone or tablet.

Step 1: Visit MEE6 Bot

Visit the MEE6 Bot from any of your mobile browser.

Visit MEE6 Bot

Step 2: Click on “Add to Discord”

After opening the MEE6 Bot page click on the “Add to Discord” button to add it into your Discord server.

Click on “Add to Discord”

Step 3: Login with your Discord Account

Now a login page will appear on the screen asking for your username and password, just login with your credentials of Discord to add the Bot into your server.

Login with your Credentials

Step 4: Click on “Authorize”

After checking all the permissions clicking on the “Authorize” button to authorize the bot.

Click on “Authorize”

Step 5: Select a Server >> Click on “Setup”

You can choose your desired server in which you want to add the bot, in this step all your server will appear on the screen. Just choose your server and click on the “Setup” button.

> Click on "Setup"" height="960" loading="lazy" src="/public/files/IMG_20240121_204832-ezgifcom-jpg-to-webp-converter.webp" width="432">
Select a Server >> Click on “Setup”

Step 6: Click on “Continue”

Confirming your server and permissions the page will ask you to continue, just click on the “Continue” button move towards the next step.

Click on “Continue”

Step 7: Verify you are Human

This step is to verify that you are human to verify it click on the “I am Human” checkbox and solve the upcoming puzzle.

Verify you are Human

Step 8: Use “! clear<number>”

By performing the above steps, you have successfully authorized the bot into your server so now open your Discord Mobile Ap and navigate to your server in which you have authorized the bot.

If you want to delete a number of messages use “! clear<number>” command and pass the number of messages, you want to delete from the server. For example: “! clear<100>” to delete last 100 messages in the server.

"" height="960" loading="lazy" src="/public/files/IMG_20240121_205220-ezgifcom-jpg-to-webp-converter.webp" width="432">
Use “! clear<number>

Step 9: Use “! clear@[username]”

In the case you want to delete the messages of a particular person then you can use the “! clear@[username]” command just enter the username into the “[username]” tag.

Use “! clear@[username]”


In conclusion, Messages can be easily deleted from Discord by clicking on the message and choosing the “Delete” option, although it will be difficult to delete a large number of messages at once. Use MEE6 Bot to quickly delete the messages you want to remove in bulk; it will do so in a matter of seconds. To allow the MEE6 Bot into your server, simply visit its webpage using any web browser and follow the instructions. Once you’ve completed these steps and authorized the bot, launch the Discord app and type the commands “! clear@[username]” and “! clear” as needed.

How to Delete All Messages in Discord – FAQs

How do I delete all my Discord messages at once?

Unfortunately, Discord doesn’t offer a direct way to delete all messages at once. However, consider using a moderation bot like MEE6 with specific commands for bulk deletion.

Can I delete a message that I have sent in Discord?

Yes, you can delete a message that you have sent in Discord, to do so perform a right click on the message and select “Delete” button to delete it.

Can I delete an entire conversation in Discord?

No, Discord doesn’t allow you to delete a whole conversation in Discord have to delete the messages individually or you have to use a bot.

Is there a way to recover deleted messages in Discord?

No, once your messages are deleted in the server you cannot recover them, you should be aware when you are deleting a message.