How to Design a Database for Business Intelligence Reporting

Business Intelligence (BI) reporting involves collecting, storing, and analyzing data to provide insights for decision-making. A well-designed relational database is essential for storing and managing data effectively.

This article will explore the key components involved in designing a database for BI reporting, including the entity’s Data Source, Report, User, and Dashboard.

Database Design for Business Intelligence Reporting

A relational database for BI reporting must efficiently store and manage data from various sources, generate reports based on user-defined criteria, and present the information in interactive dashboards. The database should support functionalities such as data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL), report generation, user management, and dashboard creation.

1. Identifying Entities and Attributes:

  • Entities represent the main objects or concepts in the database, such as customers, products, and sales transactions.
  • Attributes are the characteristics or properties of entities, such as customer name, product price, and sales date.

2. Creating Tables:

  • Each entity is represented by a table in the database, with each attribute corresponding to a column in the table.
  • For example, a “Sales” table might have columns for sales ID, product ID, customer ID, sales date, and sales amount.

3. Establishing Relationships:

  • Relationships between entities are established using keys, such as primary keys and foreign keys.
  • For example, a “Sales” table might have a foreign key that references the “Products” table to establish a relationship between sales transactions and products.

4. Data Integrity:

  • Use constraints such as primary keys, foreign keys, and unique constraints to maintain data integrity.
  • Primary keys uniquely identify each record in a table, while foreign keys establish relationships between tables.
  • Unique constraints ensure that certain columns contain unique values.

Business Intelligence Reporting Features

  1. Sales Performance Analysis: Provide reports on sales performance, including total sales, sales trends, and top-selling products.
  2. Customer Analysis: Generate reports on customer demographics, buying behavior, and customer segmentation.
  3. Product Analysis: Analyze product performance, including sales by product, product profitability, and product trends.
  4. Inventory Management: Provide reports on inventory levels, stock turnover, and inventory forecasting.
  5. Financial Reporting: Generate financial reports such as profit and loss statements, revenue analysis, and expense analysis.

Entities and Attributes of Business Intelligence Reporting

Entities serve as the building blocks of our database, representing the fundamental objects or concepts that need to be stored and managed. Attributes define the characteristics or properties of each entity. Let’s explore each entity and attribute in detail:

1. Data Source

  • source_id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each data source.
  • source_name: Name of the data source (e.g., database, spreadsheet).
  • connection_string: Connection string to connect to the data source.
  • last_refresh_date: Date and time when the data source was last refreshed.

2. Report

  • report_id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each report.
  • report_name: Name of the report.
  • description: Description of the report.
  • query: SQL query or data source reference to retrieve data for the report.
  • last_run_date: Date and time when the report was last run.

3. User

  • user_id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each user.
  • username: Username of the user.
  • email: Email address of the user.
  • role: Role of the user (e.g., admin, viewer).

4. Dashboard

  • dashboard_id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each dashboard.
  • dashboard_name: Name of the dashboard.
  • description: Description of the dashboard.
  • layout: Layout configuration for the dashboard (e.g., number of columns, widget placement).

Relationships Between These Entities

1. Report to Data Source Relationship:

  • One-to-many relationship: Each report can use multiple data sources.
  • Foreign key: source_id in Report table referencing source_id in Data_Source table.

2. User to Report Relationship:

  • Many-to-many relationship: Each user can have access to multiple reports, and each report can be accessed by multiple users.
  • Junction table: Create a junction table User_Report with user_id and report_id as foreign keys referencing User and Report tables, respectively.

3. Dashboard to Report Relationship:

  • Many-to-many relationship: Each dashboard can contain multiple reports, and each report can be included in multiple dashboards.
  • Junction table: Create a junction table Dashboard_Report with dashboard_id and report_id as foreign keys referencing Dashboard and Report tables, respectively.

ER Diagram for Business Intelligence Reporting

ER Diagram for Business Intelligence Reporting

Entities Structures in SQL Format

-- Create Data Source table
CREATE TABLE Data_Source (
source_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
source_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
connection_string VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
last_refresh_date DATETIME

-- Create Report table
report_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
report_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
description TEXT,
last_run_date DATETIME,
source_id INT,
FOREIGN KEY (source_id) REFERENCES Data_Source(source_id)

-- Create User table
username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

-- Create Dashboard table
CREATE TABLE Dashboard (
dashboard_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
dashboard_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
description TEXT,
layout TEXT

-- Create User_Report junction table
CREATE TABLE User_Report (
user_id INT,
report_id INT,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, report_id),
FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id),
FOREIGN KEY (report_id) REFERENCES Report(report_id)

-- Create Dashboard_Report junction table
CREATE TABLE Dashboard_Report (
dashboard_id INT,
report_id INT,
PRIMARY KEY (dashboard_id, report_id),
FOREIGN KEY (dashboard_id) REFERENCES Dashboard(dashboard_id),
FOREIGN KEY (report_id) REFERENCES Report(report_id)

Database Model for Business Intelligence Reporting

Business Intelligence Reporting

Tips & Tricks to Improve Database Design

Improving database design involves several key considerations to ensure efficiency, scalability, and maintainability. Here are some tips and tricks to enhance your database design:

  1. Normalization: Ensure the database is properly normalized to avoid data redundancy and improve data integrity.
  2. Indexing: Use indexes on columns frequently used in queries to improve query performance.
  3. Query Optimization: Write optimized queries to minimize resource usage and improve performance.
  4. Data Integrity: Enforce data integrity constraints to maintain data accuracy and consistency.
  5. Partitioning: Consider partitioning large tables to improve query performance and manageability.
  6. Materialized Views: Use materialized views to store precomputed aggregations for faster query performance.
  7. Backup and Recovery: Implement regular backup and recovery procedures to protect against data loss.
  8. Security: Implement security measures such as access controls and encryption to protect sensitive data.
  9. Scalability: Design the database to scale horizontally or vertically to accommodate future growth.
  10. Performance Monitoring: Monitor database performance regularly to identify and address performance issues.


In conclusion, a well-designed relational database is crucial for effective Business Intelligence reporting. By identifying entities, creating tables, establishing relationships, and ensuring data integrity, businesses can efficiently store, manage, and analyze data. The provided entity structures, relationships, and SQL scripts serve as a foundation for building a robust BI reporting database, facilitating insightful decision-making.