How to embed Hapara Workshop in New Google Sites ?

Hapara workspace is platform for collaboration between teachers, where teachers can create a personalized teaching experience for the students and share their work.

Hapara workspace provides collections of learning objects, task and multiple assessments. Teachers can share there work with multiple teachers across the globe and the platform. Students are differentiated from the teachers and can collaborate among themselves for projects etc. 

Teachers can build projects, assignment and easily distribute them to groups. The dashboard also gives access to Google classroom, Google Drive etc with Hapara workspace

Hapara workspace provides –

  • Teachers with the tools they need for learner-centered pedagogy,
  • Learners with a great ownership of their learnings.

Official Link:

To embed a hapara workspace in new Google sites do the following steps:

  • Go to published Hapara Workspace
  • Scroll down to Sharing and switch on visible publicly

  • Copy past the given link

  • Go to your Google site and click insert then click Embed URL and copy-paste the link
  • Here you can select the type page view
    • Page view
    • Link view
  • Once the view is selected the hapara workshop is embedded
