How To Embed Python Code In Batch Script

Embedding Python code in a batch script can be very helpful for automating tasks that require both shell commands and Python scripting. In this article, we will discuss how to embed Python code within a batch script.

What are Batch Scripts and Python Code?

Batch scripts are text files containing a series of commands to be executed by the Windows command interpreter. They are commonly used for automating repetitive tasks.

Python is a high-level programming language known for its readability and broad library support. It is often used for scripting, data analysis, and more.

Steps to Embed Python Code in Batch Script

The process involves writing a batch script that calls a Python script. This can be done using the Python executable within the batch file. Here are the general steps:

Step 1: Create a Python Script

First step is to create and save a Python file which has .py extension. This file contains the python code you want to execute. It can be anything, even a simple script performing and displaying information on the screen. We can also write a script that will take input from the users.

Step 2: Create a Batch Script

Next, create and save a Batch file. You can create this file by writing the command to call the Python script, and then saving this file using .bat extension. This file will contain the path to the python interpreter and the path of the python script that you want to execute.

Step 3: Execute the Batch Script

Once both scripts are ready, we will execute the batch file. We simply need to locate the fine on the system, and double click it. It will open the command prompt and display the final result of the python script.

Embedding Python Code in Batch Script

Embedding Python code in batch scripts is useful in various scenarios, such as automating system administration tasks, data processing and analysis tasks and combining system-level commands with Python scripting capabilities.

This is be done to ensure proper error handling in both batch and Python scripts to handle unexpected scenarios. It also ensure the Python interpreter is properly installed and accessible in the system’s PATH and keep scripts organized and well-documented for future maintenance.

By following the above mentioned steps, let us see a few different examples to know how we can embed a python code in the batch files.

Simple Python Code

In this example, we write a simple python code, that will just print some text on the screen. The file will contain the python print statement, whereas the batch_script.bat file will contain the command to execute this pyhton file.

print("Hello World")


@echo off

This batch script simply calls the Python script using the Python interpreter.


Output after executing

Passing Arguments from Batch to Python

In this example, we write a python code, that will require an argument and then display that text on the screen. The file will contain the python print statement. which will require an argument during the execution of that file. This can be done using Python sys module.

import sys
print('Arguments passed:', sys.argv[1:])


@echo off
python % 1 2 3 4 5 A B C

This batch script passes all arguments provided to the batch file to the Python script.


Batch File with arguments


Embedding Python code in batch scripts allows for powerful automation by combining the strengths of both scripting environments. By following the steps and examples provided in this article, you can easily embed Python into your batch scripts.

FAQs, Additional Information

Q: Can I embed Python code directly in a batch script without a separate Python file?

A: While it’s not possible to write Python code directly within a batch script, you can include Python code in a separate file and call it from the batch script.

Q: How can I handle errors in the batch script if the Python script fails?

A: You can use conditional statements in your batch script to check the exit status of the Python script and handle errors accordingly.