How to Enable Auto Save Feature in Gedit

In this article, we are going to see how to enable autosave features in Gedit. 

Gedit is a Linux text editor which is the default text editor of the Linux distribution which uses the gnome as the desktop environment like Ubuntu. And the gedit is the official text editor for the gnome desktop environment. Gedit is a very lightweight text editor and provides many features. Gedit also provide the plugins to provide more features.

Gedit has an autosave feature, but it is not enabled by default, we need to enable it manually. Note that Gedit can auto save work on the files while editing and files which are created and saved on the disk. The autosave feature of the gedit does not work on the new unsaved files.

So now let’s see how to enable the auto feature in the gedit. There are two ways to autosave files in gedit. Which are the following:

Method 1: Enable autosave Using GUI

To enable the autosave using GUI, first launch the Gedit using the launcher or gedit command.

$ gedit

And open the file which you want to edit. Now to enable autosave feature we need to change the preference. To open preference go to the menu and then the preference. Here is an example in Ubuntu 20.4:

Then the preference window will be opened. Then in the preference window, open the editor tab. And you will see the following window

Then to enable autosave feature check the Autosave files every option and adjust the interval of autosave files.

Method 2: Enable autosave using the CLI method.

We can also use the CLI  to enable autosave feature in the gedit. Now let’s see how can we do that. Use the following command to enable the autosave feature of gedit:

$ gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor auto-save true

Use the following command to adjust the autosave interval in gedit:

$ gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor auto-save-interval n

In the above command, n represent the time interval in the minutes.