How to execute a 11-digit instruction using different addressing modes in Python?

Here, we have an 11 bit instruction which has first 2 bits for representing addressing mode, next 3 bits for the opcode and the last 6 bits are for the two operands, 3 bits each.

We will execute this 11 bit Instruction using four different addressing modes:- 

  1. Direct mode: In this mode, the addresses of two operands are specified in the instruction. We can receive the actual data directly from the memory addresses.
  2. Indirect mode: In this mode, the addresses mentioned in the instruction are point to the effective addresses of the operands.
  3. Immediate mode: In this mode, the actual data is mentioned in the instruction itself.
  4. Register mode: In this mode, the instruction contains the addresses of the registers which contain the actual data.

We will use the first 2 bits for representing the four different addressing modes in this way: 

For direct mode- 00
For indirect mode- 01
For immediate mode- 10
For register mode- 11

Next 3 bits are for representing opcode, so we can use 8 different operations maximum. We will define 6 operations and the other two will be reserve for future in this way: 

000- Do nothing
001- Addition
010- Subtraction
011- Multiplication
101-Transfer operand2 to operand1
110-Reserve for future
111-Reserve for future

The next 3 bits are for operand1 and the last 3 bits are for operand2, so the values of operands will be ranging from 0 to 7 in immediate mode.
For the direct, indirect and register mode we need to define a memory array and a register array. As we have only 3 bits for representing the addresses so the maximum number of elements in these arrays will be 8.


Here, the memory contains 8 data and the register contain 4 data. The concept discussed above will work in the following way:

Input: 01001000100

Here, from left to right
Mode-01- Indirect mode
Opcode-001- Addition
Operand1-000- 0
Operand2 – 100- 4
As it is the indirect mode, so these operands gives the addresses of the effective address of the data.
Means, the effective addresses are present in the memory location 0 and 4 , which are 2 and 7.
And the actual data is present in the memory location 2 and 7 which are 40 and 19.
So, the result will be the addition of 40 and 19.

Output: 59



#This function execute the instruction and print the result. 
def execute(st):
    print("Instruction mode:",mode)
    #For direct mode
    if mode=='00':
        if opcode=='000':
            print("Do nothing")
        elif opcode=='001':
        elif opcode=='010':
        elif opcode=='011':
        elif opcode=='100':
        elif opcode=='101':
            print("Reserve For Future")
    #For indirect mode
    elif mode=='01':
        if opcode=='000':
            print("Do nothing")
        elif opcode=='001':
        elif opcode=='010':
        elif opcode=='011':
        elif opcode=='100':
        elif opcode=='101':
            print("Reserve For Future")
    #For immediate mode
    elif mode=='10':
        if opcode=='000':
            print("Do nothing")
        elif opcode=='001':
        elif opcode=='010':
        elif opcode=='011':
        elif opcode=='100':
        elif opcode=='101':
            print("Reserve For Future")
    #For register mode
        if idx1>3 or idx2>3:
        if opcode=='000':
            print("Do nothing")
        elif opcode=='001':
        elif opcode=='010':
        elif opcode=='011':
        elif opcode=='100':
        elif opcode=='101':
            print("Reserve For Future")
#driver code


Instruction mode: 00
Opcode: 001
operand1: 000
operand2: 001

Instruction mode: 01
Opcode: 001
operand1: 000
operand2: 100

Instruction mode: 10
Opcode: 001
operand1: 000
operand2: 001

Instruction mode: 11
Opcode: 001
operand1: 000
operand2: 001