How to Execute a SQLite Statement in Python?

In this article, we are going to see how to execute SQLite statements using Python. We are going to execute how to create a table in a database, insert records and display data present in the table.

In order to execute an SQLite script in python, we will use the execute() method with connect() object:

connection_object.execute(“sql statement”)


To perform the execution, we have to follow the below steps:

  • Import sqlite3 module. This statement will import SQLite module, import keyword is used to import a module in python.
import sqlite3
  • Create a connection to the database. This will create a new database by connecting the database, here we have to specify the database name and connect to it using a cursor object.
connection_object = sqlite3.connect('database_name.db')
  • Execute query connection object. Here we need to execute the connection object by specifying the SQL statement.
connection_object.execute("sql statement");
  • Finally terminate the connection using the close() method.

Example 1: Python code to create a database and a table, below are the steps:

  • Importing sqlite3 module
  • Create a connection by using an object to connect with the college_details database
  • SQLite execute a query to create a table


# importing sqlite3 module
import sqlite3
# create connection by using object to 
# connect with college_details database
connection = sqlite3.connect('college.db')
# sqlite execute query to create a table
connection.execute("""create table college(
print("Table created successfully")
# terminate the connection


Database created:

Example 2: Python code to insert and display data into the above-created table.


# importing sqlite3 module
import sqlite3
# create connection by using object 
# to connect with college_details 
# database
connection = sqlite3.connect('college.db')
# sqlite execute query to insert a table
    '''insert into college values ( '7058', 'sravan kumar','hyd' )''')
    '''insert into college values ( '7059', 'jyothika','tenali' )''')
    '''insert into college values ( '7072', 'harsha verdhan','nandyal' )''')
    '''insert into college values ( '7099', 'virinchi','Guntur' )''')
# sqlite execute query to display data
# in the college
a = connection.execute("select * from college")
# fetch all records
# terminate the connection
