How to filter ng-repeat values according to ng-model using AngularJS ?

In this article, we will see how to filter the value of the ng-repeat directive according to the ng-model directive using AngularJS.

The ng-repeat values can be filtered according to the ng-model in AngularJS by using the value of the input field as an expression in a filter. We can set the ng-model directive on an input field to filter ng-repeat values. The below illustrations describes the approach for the implementation.

Example 1: Filtering input text ng-repeat values according to ng-model. This filter will show the names of only the matching city.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=
        <h1 style="color:green;">
            Filter ng-repeat values according to ng-model
    <div ng-app="app1" ng-controller="controller1">
        <p>Type a city name in the input field:</p>
            <input type="text" ng-model="testfilter">
        <p>Filter show the names of only the matching city.</p>
            <li ng-repeat="x in citynames | filter:testfilter">
                 {{ x }} 
        angular.module('app1', []).controller(
        'controller1', function($scope) {
            $scope.citynames = [

Output: Example 2: Filtering input text ng-repeat values according to ng-model. This filter will show the names of only the matching programming language after capitalizing on each language by applying the filter. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=
        <h1 style="color:green;">
            Filtering input text ng-repeat 
            values according to ng-model
    <div ng-app="app1" ng-controller="controller1">
            Type a programming language 
            name in the input field:
            <input type="text" ng-model="testfilter">
            Filter shows the names of only the 
            matching programming language after 
            capitalizing each language by 
            applying filter.
            <li ng-repeat=
"x in programminglanguagenames| filter:testfilter">
                {{ x |myfilter}}
        var app = angular.module('app1', []);
        app.filter('myfilter', function () {
            return function (x) {
                var i, c, txt = "";
                for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
                    c = x[i];
                    c = c.toUpperCase();
                    txt += c;
                return txt;
        app.controller('controller1', function ($scope) {
            $scope.programminglanguagenames = [
