How to find Impulse with force and time?

Impulse can be calculated by multiplying force with time. The formula for calculating impulse is J = FΔt where J is the impulse, F is the force applied and t is the time duration for which the force is applied. The SI unit of impulse is Newton-seconds (N·s). In this article we are going to learn what is impulse, formula for calculating impulse and some sample problem for calculating impulse.

Impulse Definition

Impulse is defined as a huge force applied to an object over a small time interval. It can be interpreted as a large force that acts for a very short period of time. When a net force is applied to an object, it affects its momentum during the course of the force’s application. Impulse is the change in momentum of an object when a force is applied to it for a certain period of time. It is a vector quantity and is equal to the product of force and time.

What is Impulse Formula

Impulse of an object is equal to the product of the average and the time interval during which the force is applied. The change in momentum is equal to the impulse. It is denoted by the symbol J. It is a vector quantity, means it has both direction and magnitude as well. Its standard unit of measurement is newton seconds (Ns) and dimensional formula is given by [M1L1T-1].

Formula 1 :

J = Δp = mv – mu


  • J is the impulse value,
  • Δp is the change in momentum of the object,
  • m is mass of object,
  • v is final velocity,
  • u is initial velocity.

Formula 2 :

J = Δp = FΔt


  • J is the impulse value,
  • Δp is the change in momentum of an object,
  • F is the force acting on the object,
  • Δt is the time interval of acting force.

Key Terms

Force: Force is a vector quantity that describes the push or pull exerted on an object. It is measured in newtons (N) and can cause objects to accelerate, decelerate, or change direction.

Time Interval: The time interval (Δt) represents the duration for which the force is applied to the object. It is measured in seconds (s) and is essential for determining the magnitude of the impulse.

Impulse: Impulse is the change in momentum of an object resulting from the force applied to it over a certain period of time. It is a vector quantity and can be positive or negative depending on the direction of the force relative to the object’s velocity.

Calculation of Impulse with Force and Time

To calculate impulse from force and time, follow these steps:

1. Determine the Force Applied: Identify the magnitude and direction of the force exerted on the object. This force can be due to various factors such as collisions, gravitational interactions, or applied forces.

2. Measure the Time Interval: Determine the duration for which the force acts on the object. This time interval is important for calculating the impulse accurately and should be measured in seconds.

3. Apply the Formula: Use the formula



  • J is impulse
  • F represents the force applied
  • and Δt represents the time duration

To calculate the impulse. Multiply the force (F) by the time interval (Δt) to find the magnitude of the impulse.

4.Consider Directionality: Consider the direction of the force relative to the object’s velocity when interpreting the sign of the impulse. A positive impulse indicates an increase in momentum, while a negative impulse indicates a decrease in momentum.

Practical Examples

1. Car Collision: When two cars collide, the force exerted on each car during the impact can be calculated to determine the impulse. This information is important for understanding the change in momentum and damage caused by the collision.

2. In Sports: Impulse calculations are used in sports analysis to assess the impact of forces exerted on athletes during activities such as jumping, throwing, or tackling. Understanding impulse helps optimize performance and prevent injuries.

3.Engineering Applications: In engineering, impulse calculations are essential for designing structures, vehicles, and equipment to withstand external forces and maintain stability and safety under dynamic conditions.


Calculating impulse from force and time is a fundamental aspect of physics and engineering. It provides valuable insights into the dynamics of objects in motion and is essential for analyzing collisions, interactions, and other dynamic processes. By understanding the concept of impulse and its calculation using force and time, scientists, engineers, and researchers can make informed decisions and develop effective solutions in various fields of study and application .

Sample Problems

Problem 1. Calculate the impulse if a force of 200 N is exerted on an object for 5 s.


We have,

F = 200

Δt = 5

Using the formula we get,

J = FΔt

= 200 (5)

= 1000 Ns

Problem 2. Calculate the impulse if a force of 120 N is exerted on an object for 3 s.


We have,

F = 120

Δt = 3

Using the formula we get,

J = FΔt

= 120 (3)

= 360 Ns

Problem 3. Calculate the force exerted on an object if the impulse is 1600 Ns for 2 s.


We have,

J = 1600

Δt = 2

Using the formula we get,

J = FΔt

=> F = J/Δt

=> F = 1600/2

=> F = 800 N 

Problem 4. Calculate the force exerted on an object if the impulse is 2500 Ns for 10 s.


We have,

J = 2500

Δt = 10

Using the formula we get,

J = FΔt

=> F = J/Δt

=> F = 2500/10

=> F = 250 N 

Problem 5. Calculate the time for which a force of 350 N is exerted on an object to create an impulse of 2100 Ns.


We have,

J = 2100

F = 350

Using the formula we get,

J = FΔt

=> Δt = J/F

=> Δt = 2100/350

=> Δt = 6 s

Problem 6. Calculate the time for which a force of 700 N is exerted on an object to create an impulse of 5600 Ns.


We have,

J = 5600

F = 700

Using the formula we get,

J = FΔt

=> Δt = J/F

=> Δt = 5600/700

=> Δt = 8 s

Problem 7. Calculate the impulse of an object of mass 3 kg if its velocity changes from 10 m/s to 25 m/s.


We have,

m = 3

vi = 10

vf = 25

Using the formula we get,

J = m Δv

= 3 (25 – 10)

= 3 (15)

= 45 Ns

Frequently Asked Questions

What is impulse, and how is it defined in physics?

Impulse is a fundamental concept in physics that measures the change in momentum of an object when subjected to an external force over a certain period of time. It is defined as the product of force and the time interval during which the force acts.

How is impulse different from force?

While force represents the push or pull exerted on an object, impulse shows the effect of that force over time. Force is a vector quantity measured in newtons N, while impulse is also a vector quantity measured in newton-seconds (N·s) or kilogram-meters per second (kg-m/s).

What are some common examples of impulse in everyday life?

Examples of impulse in everyday life include:

  • The force exerted on a cricket bat when hitting a ball.
  • The impulsive force experienced by a person in a car crash.
  • The force exerted by a person’s feet when jumping.
  • jerk on the train boxes when trains applies brakes .

How is impulse related to momentum?

Impulse is directly related to momentum through the impulse-momentum theorem, which states that the impulse applied to an object is equal to the change in its momentum. Mathematically, J = Δp, where J is the impulse and Δp is the change in momentum.

What is the significance of impulse in collisions?

In collisions, impulse plays a crucial role in determining the change in momentum of the colliding objects. By examining impulse during collisions, scientists and engineers can assess the impact forces, energy transfer, and potential damage caused by the collision.

Can impulse be negative?

Yes, impulse can be negative if the force applied opposes the direction of the object’s motion. In such cases, the object’s momentum decreases, resulting in a negative change in momentum and hence a negative impulse.