How to Find openSUSE Linux Version?

openSUSE is well known for its GNU/Linux-based operating systems, mainly Tumbleweed, a tested rolling release, and Leap, a distribution with Long-Term-Support(LTS). MicroOS and Kubic are new transactional, self-contained distributions for use as desktop or container runtime.

Here we figure out which version of the openSUSE Linux distribution is installed and running on a device in this post. The os-release file includes information about all openSUSE versions. 

Methods 1: using lsb-release.

If the lsb-release package is not available on your device, use the zypper command to install it:

$ sudo zypper install lsb-release

Install lsb-release

After installation run the following command:

$ lsb_release -a

We can show all the details above, but we also have other options.

Show the release number:

lsb_release -r

Show the release number

Find the distributor’s ID:

lsb_release -d

Find the distributor’s ID

View a description of the Linux distro:

lsb_release -d

View a description of the Linux distro

Display the code name of the OpenSUSE:

lsb_release -c

Display the code name of the OpenSUSE

It’s simple to display a help message on the screen. You simply need to type the following command:

lsb_release -h


To query and modify the device hostname and related settings, use the hostnamectl command. It will even show you the version of your operating system. Run the hostnamectl command as follows:

$ hostnamectl

Methods 2: using cat utility.

Alternatively, open the terminal and use the cat command to display the contents of /etc/os-release and /usr/lib/os-release:

$ cat /etc/os-release  
$ cat /usr/lib/os-release file 

Cat command

That’s it! We’ve covered both graphical and command-line methods for determining which version of openSUSE you’re running in this short article.