How to find the file properties using powershell

PowerShell is a modern command shell that includes the best features of different shells . Unlike the other shells which only accept and return the text but in PowerShell it is different it returns the object in the .NET objects. In this article we will find out certain commands to  find the file properties using PowerShell.

Find the file properties

Now to access the file properties using the PowerShell we use some commands in order to get the file properties,

  • Get-Item <Path of Folder>
  • Get-ItemProperty <Path of Folder>
  • Get-ChildItem <Path of Folder>

Using Get-ChildItem to find the file properties

Get-ChildItem is used to gets the items and child items in one or more specified locations.

PS C:\Users\DELL> Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\DELL\Pictures

 find the file properties using PowerShell

Using Get-Item to find the file properties

Get-Item command is used to gets the items at the specified location.

PS C:\Users\DELL>  Get-Item -Path C:\Users\DELL\Downloads

 find the file properties using PowerShell

Using Get-ItemProperty to find the file properties

Get-ItemProperty command is used to gets the properties of all the items at the specified path.

PS C:\Users\DELL> Get-ItemProperty -Path C:\Users\DELL\Downloads | Get-Member -MemberType property

 find the file properties using PowerShell

Access the particular file properties

PS C:\Users\HP> $file = get-childItem C:\Users\HP\OneDrive\Desktop\pro1.txt
PS C:\Users\HP> $
PS C:\Users\HP> $file.extension
PS C:\Users\HP> $file.length
PS C:\Users\HP> $file.basename

 find the file properties using PowerShell