How to Find the Position of a Number in an Array in MATLAB?

Finding the position of a number in an array, which can be done using the find() function. The find() function is used to find the indices and values of the specified nonzero elements.



Parameters: This function accepts a parameter.

  • X: This is the specified number whose position is going to be found in the array.

Return Value: It returns the position of the given number in a specified array.

Example 1  


% MATLAB code for getting the position 
% of element 4
X = [2 4 4 5 6 4]; % Initializing an array 
% of some elements
% Calling the find() function to find 
% the position of 4
Position_of_4 = find(X==4)


Example 2 


% MATLAB code for getting the position 
% of element 4 in terms of rows and columns.
X = [2 4 4 5 6 4]; 
% Calling the find() function to find 
% the position of 4 in terms of rows 
% and columns
[Row, column] = find(X==4)
