How to Fix in R: the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

In this article, we will discuss how to fix the error to “the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used”  in the R programming language.

Such type of error arises when we try to evaluate a value using an if statement but by mistake, a vector is passed to the if statement. An error that one may face in R is:

Warning message:

In if (vect > 1) { :

  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used 

When this error might occur:


# Initialize a vector
vect <- c(2, 4, -7, 9, -12)

Now suppose we want to check whether each value in the vector is greater than one and if it is so then we simply want to increment it by one.


In this example, the R compiler produces such an error because we passed a vector to the if() statement. An if() statement can deal with the single element in the vector at one time but here we are trying to check for all the values at one time.


# Initialize a vector
vect <- c(2, 4, -7, 9, -12)
# If value in vector vect is greater 
# than one then increment it by one
if (vect > 1) {
  vect = vect + 1



How to fix this error:

We can fix this error by using an ifelse() function. ifelse() function allows us to deal with each value at one time. Thus it is a good choice over the if statement.   


Under this example, the working is as follows:

  • The element at the first position is 2 which is greater than 1, hence we incremented it by 1 to get 3.
  • The element at the second position is 4 which is greater than 1, hence we incremented it by 1 to get 5.
  • The element at the third position is -7 which is not greater than 1, hence the value remains as it is.
  • The element at the fourth position is 9 which is greater than 1, hence we incremented it by 1 to get 10.
  • The element at the fifth position is -12 which is not greater than 1, hence the value remains as it is.


# Initialize a vector
vect <- c(2, 4, -7, 9, -12)
# If value in vector vect is greater 
# than one then increment it by one
ifelse(vect > 1, vect + 1, vect)

