How To Fix Nameerror: Name ‘Listnode’ Is Not Defined

NameError is a common issue in Python programming, and one specific instance is the “Name ‘Listnode’ is not defined” error. This error occurs when the interpreter encounters a reference to a variable or object named ‘Listnode’ that has not been defined in the current scope. In this article, we will explore what causes this error and provide some common reasons along with approaches to resolve it.

What is NameError: Name ‘Listnode’ Is Not Defined in Python?

NameError is a runtime error that occurs when the Python interpreter encounters an undefined variable or name. In the case of “Name ‘Listnode’ is not defined,” it suggests that the interpreter cannot find a definition for the identifier ‘Listnode’ in the current context.


Nameerror: name 'Listnode' is not defined

Below, are the reasons for Nameerror: Name ‘Listnode’ Is Not Defined in Python:

  • Missing Import Statement
  • Typographical Errors
  • Variable Scope Issues

Missing Import Statement

In the below code, ‘‘ defines a class named ‘Listnode.’ However, in ‘,‘ the import statement for ‘Listnode‘ from ‘some_module‘ is commented out, leading to a missing import. Consequently, the attempt to create an instance of ‘Listnode‘ in the ‘main’ function results in a NameError.


class Listnode:
# Incorrect: Missing import statement
# from some_module import Listnode
def main():
    node = Listnode()  # Raises NameError
if __name__ == "__main__":


Nameerror: Name ‘Listnode’ Is Not Defined

Typographical Errors

Below code defines a class ‘listnode‘ with a lowercase initial letter, but the attempt to create an instance using ‘Listnode‘ (with an uppercase initial letter) in the ‘main’ function causes a NameError due to capitalization mismatch.


# Incorrect: Capitalization mismatch
class listnode:
def main():
    node = Listnode()  # Raises NameError
if __name__ == "__main__":


Nameerror: Name ‘Listnode’ Is Not Defined

Variable Scope Issues

In below code, the function ‘some_function‘ attempts to create an instance of ‘Listnode,’ but ‘Listnode‘ is not defined within the function’s scope, resulting in a NameError when the function is called.


# Incorrect: Incorrect variable scope
def some_function():
    node = Listnode()  # Incorrect scope
some_function()  # Raises NameError


Nameerror: Name ‘Listnode’ Is Not Defined

Solution for Nameerror: Name ‘Listnode’ Is Not Defined in Python

Below, are the approaches to solve Nameerror: Name ‘Listnode’ Is Not Defined.

Import the Module

In below code, ‘‘ defines a class named ‘Listnode.’ In ‘,’ the correct import statement is used to import ‘Listnode‘ from ‘some_module.‘ The ‘main’ function then successfully creates an instance of ‘Listnode,’ and the code runs without encountering a NameError.


class Listnode:
from some_module import Listnode  # Correct import statement
def main():
    node = Listnode()  # No NameError now
if __name__ == "__main__":

Check Capitalization

Below code defines a class named ‘Listnode‘ with the correct capitalization. In the ‘main‘ function, an instance of ‘Listnode‘ is created without any issues, and the code runs successfully, avoiding the NameError.


# Correct: Matching capitalization
class Listnode:
def main():
    node = Listnode()  # No NameError now
if __name__ == "__main__":

Correct Variable Scope

In below code, the class ‘Listnode‘ is defined globally, allowing it to be accessed within the function ‘some_function‘ without any issues. The corrected scope ensures that creating an instance of ‘Listnode‘ inside the function does not result in a NameError, and the code runs successfully.


# Correct: Correct variable scope
class Listnode:
def some_function():
    node = Listnode()  # Correct scope
some_function()  # No NameError now


In conclusion , NameError: Name ‘Listnode’ is not defined can be frustrating, but understanding the underlying reasons and applying the appropriate solutions will help you overcome this issue. Whether it’s importing the module, checking capitalization, or ensuring proper variable scope, addressing these aspects will lead to a successful resolution of the error. Remember to double-check your code and follow best practices to avoid such errors in the future.