How To Fix “Typeerror: Can’T Convert ‘Float’ Object To Str Implicitly” In Python

In this article, we’ll delve into understanding of typeerror and how to fix “Typeerror: Can’T Convert ‘Float’ Object To Str Implicitly” In Python.

Types of Errors in Python Script Execution

There are many different types of errors that can occur while executing a python script. These errors indicate different meanings and are typically classified into three types mainly:

  1. Syntax Errors
  2. Logic Errors
  3. Runtime Errors

Typeerrors generally comes under Runtime errors.

What is a Typeerror in Python Script Execution?

Typeerror in python is an error that occurs when an operation is performed on an incorrect or inappropriate type. For instance, concatenating a string with a float value raises typeerror as ‘TypeError: can only concatenate str (not “float”) to str’.

Some general causes for typeerror are:

  • Unsupported Operation Between Two Types
  • Calling a non-callable Identifier
  • Incorrect type of List Index
  • Iterating Through a non-iterative Identifier
  • Providing a Function with an Inappropriate Argument Type

Handling The “Typeerror: Can’T Convert ‘Float’ Object To Str Implicitly” in Python

This type of error typically arises when we try to concatenate a string value to a float without explicitly converting the float into string first. To handle this error we have to ensure that the concatenating float value should first be converted to string.


x = 3.14
price = '$' + x


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 2
1 x = 3.14
----> 2 price = '$' + x
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "float") to str

In the above example, “TypeError: can only concatenate str (not ‘float’) to str “, indicates that we cannot concatenate ‘x’ value (float) to ‘$’ (string).

Handling the error by explicitly converting the float to string

Using str() method to convert float value to string before concatenation.


x = 3.14
price = '$' + str(x)



In the above example, the ‘x’ value(float) is converted to string with str() method and then concatenated with the ‘$‘ symbol which is a string. So the output is ‘$3.14’.

Handling the error using f-strings

f-strings also known as formatted string literals are used while concatenation of float value with string.


x = 3.14
price = f'${x}'

Output :


While using f-strings we place ‘f’ in front of the string and use {} placeholder to place the other values like float.

Note: f-strings are included in python from python3.6 version. So, remember to use f-strings while you are working in a python3.6 or above versions.

Handling the error using format() method

The format() method is generally used for string formatting and concatenating strings with other data types. The {} placeholders within a string are used as slots where values can be inserted using the format() method.


x = 14.1512
price = 'The price is ${:.2f}'.format(x)

The price is $14.15

In the above example, format() method is used to pass the float value into the string.The placeholder {:.2f} is the slot where we expect our float value ‘x’. It indicates that the float value should be formatted up to two decimals. If the ‘x’ value which is to be passed into the string is not a float value then the format() method will raise an error.


Generally, this type of error occurs when two incompatible data types are combined. In order to overcome this error, we must ensure that there is no type mismatch that prevents the operation from being performed. The str() method, f-strings, and format() methods provide solutions for handling such errors and ensuring smooth Python script execution.