How to format the current date in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format using Node?

The current date can be formatted by using Nodejs modules like Date Object or libraries like moment.js.

Table of Content

  • Using Node.js Date Object
  • Using Moment.js Library

Method 1: Using Node.js Date Object:

The JavaScript Date Object can be used in the program by using the following command.

const date = new Date();

Now on this variable date, we can apply methods to obtain various results according to the requirement. Some methods are:

  • getDate(): The method returns the current date.
  • getMonth(): The method returns current month.
  • getFullYear(): The method returns the current year.
  • getHour(): The method returns the current hour in 24-hour format.
  • getMinutes(): The method returns minutes of the current hour.
  • getSeconds(): The method returns seconds of the current minute.

Below is the explanation of the program:

  • In the object format dd is current day, mm is month, yyyy is year, HH is hour in 24-hour format, hh is hour in 12-hour format, MM is minutes, SS is seconds.
  • The function formatData() takes an input and checks if it is greater than 9 or not. If it is greater than 10 it will return it without any change but if it is less than 10 then it will append a 0 in front of the input.
  • The function formatHour() takes hours as input and converts it according to the 12-hour clock.
  • The functions format24Hour() and format12Hour() prints the date in format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS in 24-hour and 12-hour format respectively.


const date = new Date();
// Function to convert
// single digit input
// to two digits
const formatData =
    (input) => {
        if (input > 9) {
            return input;
        } else return `0${input}`;
// Function to convert
// 24 Hour to 12 Hour clock
const formatHour =
    (input) => {
        if (input > 12) {
            return input - 12;
        return input;
// Data about date
const format = {
    dd: formatData(date.getDate()),
    mm: formatData(date.getMonth() + 1),
    yyyy: date.getFullYear(),
    HH: formatData(date.getHours()),
    hh: formatData(formatHour(date.getHours())),
    MM: formatData(date.getMinutes()),
    SS: formatData(date.getSeconds()),
const format24Hour = (
        dd, mm, yyyy,
        HH, MM, SS
    }) => {
const format12Hour =
            dd, mm,
            yyyy, hh,
            MM, SS
    ) => {
// Time in 24 Hour format
// Time in 12 Hour format

Steps to run the index.js file using below command:

node index.js


Method 2: Using Moment.js Library:

  • This code utilizes the `moment` library to format the current date and time. The first `console.log` prints the date and time in the MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss format (24-hour clock), while the second one uses the hh:mm:ss format (12-hour clock).
  • The `moment()` function generates a moment object representing the current date and time, and the `format` method customizes the output based on the specified format string. The output is then logged to the console, demonstrating the formatted date and time in both 24-hour and 12-hour formats.


const moment = require("moment");
// 24 Hour format
        .format("MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss")
// 12 Hour format
        .format("MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss")

Steps to run the index.js file using below command:

node index.js
