How to Generate Random Password in React Native ?

In this article, we’ll explore the process of building a simple random password generator app using React Native­.

  • The Math.random() me­thod is utilized to obtain a pseudo-random floating-point number ranging from 0 (inclusive­) to 1 (exclusive).
  • The Math.floor() me­thod is used to round down a number, finding the ne­arest integer that is le­ss than or equal to the given value­ and removing any decimal fraction.

React Native­ is a highly popular platform known for its ability to create native mobile­ apps for both iOS and Android using just one codebase. To le­verage its power, we nee­d to configure their deve­lopment setup, install Node.js, and utilize­ the Expo CLI. This exce­ptionally versatile framework acce­lerates the mobile­ app development process, empowering deve­lopers to craft immersive and high-pe­rforming applications.


Steps to Create React Native Application

Step 1: Create React Native Application With Expo CLI

Run the following command to start a new “PasswordGenerator” React Native project:

npx create-expo-app PasswordGenerator

Step 2: Change the directory to the project folder:

cd PasswordGenerator

Project Structure:


The password ge­neration logic is implemente­d using Math.random() and Math.floor(). This ensures that the ge­nerated passwords are truly random. To manage­ user input and prefere­nces effective­ly, React hooks or state manageme­nt can be utilized. The application provide­s users with the ability to customize the­ir password settings, such as length and character type­s (symbols, numbers, lowercase, uppe­rcase). It effective­ly utilizes React hooks to manage state­s and the Clipboard API to facilitate password copying. By simply clicking the “Generate­ Password” button, users can obtain a randomly generate­d password based on their prefe­rences. Furthermore­, they can easily copy this password to their clipboard by pre­ssing the “Copy” button.

Example: In this example, we will create a random password generator app.

  • App.js file


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import {
    View, Text, TextInput,
    Clipboard, Switch
} from 'react-native';
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
        margin: 20,
        marginTop: 100,
        padding: 20,
        borderColor: '#ccc',
        borderRadius: 8,
        borderWidth: 1,
        shadowColor: 'grey',
        shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 0 },
        shadowOpacity: 1,
        shadowRadius: 10,
        elevation: 5,
        backgroundColor: '#fff',
    header: {
        color: 'green',
        textAlign: 'center',
        fontSize: 30,
        marginBottom: 10,
    subHeader: {
        textAlign: 'center',
        fontSize: 18,
        marginBottom: 10,
    inputContainer: {
        flexDirection: 'row',
        alignItems: 'center',
        marginBottom: 10,
    label: {
        flex: 1,
        fontSize: 18,
    input: {
        flex: 2,
        padding: 10,
        borderWidth: 1,
        borderColor: '#ccc',
        borderRadius: 8,
        fontSize: 16,
    checkboxLabel: {
        fontSize: 20,
    button: {
        padding: 13,
        backgroundColor: '#007bff',
        color: '#fff',
        borderRadius: 5,
        overflow: 'hidden',
        textAlign: 'center',
        fontSize: 16,
        fontWeight: 'bold',
        margin: 15,
    buttonText: {
        color: '#fff',
        fontSize: 16,
        fontWeight: 'bold',
    copyButton: {
        marginLeft: 10,
        backgroundColor: '#007bff',
        color: '#fff',
        borderRadius: 5,
        overflow: 'hidden',
        padding: 10,
        fontSize: 14,
    successMessage: {
        color: 'green',
        textAlign: 'center',
        fontSize: 20,
const App = () => {
    // Define states for the app
    const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
    const [passwordLength, setPasswordLength] = useState('12');
    const [useSymbols, setUseSymbols] = useState(true);
    const [useNumbers, setUseNumbers] = useState(true);
    const [useLowerCase, setUseLowerCase] = useState(true);
    const [useUpperCase, setUseUpperCase] = useState(true);
    const [successMessage, setSuccessMessage] = useState('');
    // Generates random password based on user preferences
    const generatePassword = () => {
        let charset = '';
        let newPassword = '';
        if (useSymbols) charset += '!@#$%^&*()';
        if (useNumbers) charset += '0123456789';
        if (useLowerCase) charset += 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
        if (useUpperCase) charset += 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
        for (let i = 0; i < parseInt(passwordLength); i++) {
            newPassword +=
                    Math.random() * charset.length));
    // Function to copy password to clipboard.
    const copyToClipboard = () => {
        setSuccessMessage('Password copied to clipboard!');
        setTimeout(() => setSuccessMessage(''), 2000);
    return (
        <View style={styles.container}>
            <Text style={styles.header}>
            <Text style={styles.subHeader}>
                Random Password Generator
            <View style={styles.inputContainer}>
                <Text style={styles.label}>
                    Password Length:
                    onChangeText={(text) => setPasswordLength(text)}
            <View style={styles.checkbox}>
                    onValueChange={() => setUseSymbols(!useSymbols)}
                <Text style={styles.checkboxLabel}>
            <View style={styles.checkbox}>
                    onValueChange={() => setUseNumbers(!useNumbers)}
                <Text style={styles.checkboxLabel}>
            <View style={styles.checkbox}>
                    onValueChange={() => setUseLowerCase(!useLowerCase)}
                <Text style={styles.checkboxLabel}>
            <View style={styles.checkbox}>
                    onValueChange={() => setUseUpperCase(!useUpperCase)}
                <Text style={styles.checkboxLabel}>UpperCase</Text>
            <TouchableOpacity style={styles.button}
                <Text style={styles.buttonText}>
                    Generate Password
            {password !== '' && (
                <View style={styles.inputContainer}>
                    <Text style={styles.label}>
                        Generated Password:
                    <TextInput value={password}
                        style={styles.input} />
                    <TouchableOpacity style={styles.copyButton}
                        <Text style={styles.buttonText}>
            {successMessage !== '' && 
            <Text style={styles.successMessage}>
export default App;

Step 5: To run the React native application, open the command prompt or terminal and enter the command listed below. 

npx expo start

To run on Android:

npx react-native run-android

To run on Ios:

npx react-native run-ios
