How to Get a Remote Job in 2023 (Steps & Strategies)

Are you one of those who is tired of commuting from one place to another or are you the one who is just tired of their hectic schedule? Well, if yes, remote jobs are the perfect solution to your problem. Whatever may be your reason, be it shifting from an expensive city to an affordable one or you just choose to be in the comfort zone of your home. For all these and other reasons people are looking for remote jobs.

Well, before we get to the point of how to get a remote job, we need to understand what is a remote job.

“Remote Jobs can be defined as the practice in which employees perform their jobs away from an employer-operated main office.” In this article, we will get into the details of how one can find a remote job easily.

Table of Content

  • Steps to Find a Remote Job
  • 1. Getting Familiar with the Language
  • 2. Deciding on the Type of Employment you Desire
  • 3. Check on Scams
  • 4. Having Relevant Skills
  • 5. Acknowledge the Requirements that Remote Employers Possess
  • 6. Get Yourself a Resume
  • 7. Prepare for the Interview
  • 8. Make Sure you’re Remote Ready
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ – How to Get a Remote Job

Steps to Find a Remote Job

Finding the right job may look like an uphill battle but apparently, that is not the case. The world has become a lot more digitalized and a lot of resources are available out there on the internet. Let’s dive into the details of finding the right remote job without making it “not your cup of tea”.

1. Getting Familiar with the Language

For people who have never held a remote role before, not being able to understand the terminology can be the first obstacle to jumping in headfirst. To easily get the right remote job opportunity you must be aware of a list of jargon considered the most common remote working terms. Some of them are listed below.

  • Hybrid Company- A hybrid company is one that allows user the flexibility to work form home or from office. It is mostly a combination of traditional office space and remote work options.
  • Digital Workspace- A platform for online communication, collaboration, and information storage among remote workers.
  • Remote OK- A business that accepts remote employment (also used to describe staff members who meet the requirements for such work).
  • Happy Hour- Happy hours are social gatherings after work where remote workers can mingle, have a drink, and generally get to know one another.

2. Deciding on the Type of Employment you Desire

It’s essential to understand that not all remote employment possibilities are made equally. These roles, for instance, can be entirely remote (you can work from anywhere, all the time) or partially remote which is often referred to as hybrid or blended roles. These two methods have significant implications. You will typically need to spend some time each week in the firm’s office if you have a mostly remote job, so you’ll need to be close by.

You could be able to work from another state or even another country if the position is entirely remote. That brings forth another important issue: the possibility of working abroad.

Some remote companies are OK with their staff working whenever and wherever they want. Some remote jobs need you to work during specified hours (for instance, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time).

This second type of arrangement clearly limits your location. In the previous example, starting at 6 a.m. PT would be necessary to achieve those requirements if you wanted to reside on the West Coast. Even more difficult would be working from abroad.

Therefore, you must determine the level of freedom you desire before looking for work-from-home employment.

3. Check on Scams

Unfortunately, in the digitalized era with the resources, there comes a drawback of getting scammed so it’s always better to take precautions and spot potential scams. Below are some points that indicate the chances of a company offering remote jobs to be fake.

  • The employer has no online presence (no website).
  • You have to pay to work (such as being asked to purchase materials).
  • The email address you’re corresponding with isn’t from the company domain.
  • Demand for having your personal information up front (like your credit card details or Social Security number).

4. Having Relevant Skills

Having the correct skills will surely not only make this task easy but also will make you aware of the market needs and demands. What skills, and qualifications will actually get you the job and how can you meet the job?

If you don’t have the correct skills you can surely inculcate them into yourself. Of course, there are several entry-level work-from-home jobs for those who don’t have specific qualifications or remote work experience

5. Acknowledge the Requirements that Remote Employers Possess

Each month, thousands of job seekers apply for remote positions, but only those who specifically meet the hiring manager’s needs are hired.

You have to understand the essential abilities and qualities distant employers need in order to succeed. Some of the basic requirements are being tech-informed, a great communicator, punctual, honest towards work, etc. It’s essential that you evaluate your character in light of the above conditions before going out into the far reaches of the world.

You would make a good choice for remote employment if you believe those qualities perfectly describe you. Be careful to highlight these abilities and qualities in your CV and cover letter.

6. Get Yourself a Resume

Your resume serves as your introduction. It’s your first opportunity to market yourself and the reasons you’d be a fantastic fit for the position.

A strong resume can mean the difference between being one of the select few candidates who gets called in for an interview and one of the other 200+ applications who don’t.

There are some points that are essential for your resume like explaining how your skills and experience match with the job description in a direct response to the job posting, providing employers with a summary of your employment history, etc.

7. Prepare for the Interview

It’s time to start preparing for your first interview after you’ve submitted applications for a few remote jobs.

Understand that this interview is likely to be conducted virtually (through video conferencing software), which has some small changes but is otherwise very similar to in-person interviews.

8. Make Sure you’re Remote Ready

The last step of getting ready for working from home is equipping oneself with the necessary tools. Some distant companies might be able to help. For instance, they might give you a laptop for work, or your compensation package might include payments for tools you need to work from home (like an ergonomic chair).


To conclude, in today’s digitalized world seeking remote jobs is a deliberate strategy. Through different search engines like LinkedIn, Indeed, and you can start building a strong profile by highlighting your skills and expertise. You can even add your problem-solving skills to your CV as well as the cover letter.

FAQ – How to Get a Remote Job

1. What are the sites where you can find remote jobs?

There are many sites where you can find access to remote jobs like Just Remote, Linkedin, Indeed, and even some Facebook groups. You can also refer to our article on top 10 free website to find remote jobs.

2. How can I network effectively when searching for remote jobs near my location?

To enhance your networking efforts while seeking remote job opportunities in your area, consider the following strategies:

  • Participate in Virtual Business Conferences: Attend virtual conferences related to your industry or field of interest. These events often feature networking sessions, panel discussions, and opportunities to connect with professionals from around the world.
  • Join Virtual Professional Networks: Look for online communities and professional networks that cater to your specific industry or job type. Platforms like LinkedIn, Slack communities, and industry-specific forums can be valuable for making connections.
  • Engage on LinkedIn: Actively use your LinkedIn profile to connect with professionals in your field. Share relevant content, comment on posts, and reach out to potential contacts for informational interviews or discussions about job opportunities.
  • Utilize Industry-specific Forums: Explore online forums and discussion boards dedicated to your industry. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and share your expertise to establish your presence in the community.
  • Seek Guidance from Experts: Don’t hesitate to reach out to experts or experienced professionals in your field. Request informational interviews to learn more about their career paths and gain valuable insights into the remote job market.
  • Networking in the remote job search process can significantly increase your chances of finding relevant job opportunities and gaining valuable industry knowledge.

3. Is working remotely beneficial to everyone?

Working remotely is occasionally the best option. Self-control, time management, and the capacity for autonomous work are requirements. Some people do well in distant locations, while others like the order of an office.